From PARADE MAGAZINE, April 24, 1983, by Andrew Tobias.
Appears on
Library tape from the Sinclair Computer Users Society (SINCUS).
Source Code
5 REM Life Insurance Estimat-er from PARADE MAGAZINE, April 24, 1983, by Andrew Tobias 10 REM Adapted for computer use by John Colonna, SINCUS 20 GO SUB 1000 100 PRINT : PRINT : PRINT : PRINT " LIFE INSURANCE ESTIMATER" 110 PRINT : PRINT : PRINT 120 PRINT " Simply stated the amount oflife insurance you need is equalto the amount needed to replace you financially. By using this program you can estimate what your family would need. The first step is to determine 75% of your take-home pay." 150 INPUT "Enter 75% of your annual take- home pay. ";p 170 PRINT : PRINT 180 PRINT " 75% of annual" 190 PRINT " take-home pay = $";p 195 GO SUB 2000 200 PRINT : PRINT : PRINT : PRINT : PRINT 220 PRINT " The next important questionis to find out the Social Secur-ity benefits your family could expect to receive. The current range is between $5000 to $16000(tax-free) a year. Contact your local Security Security office." 230 INPUT "Enter Social Security yearly benefits. ";b 250 PRINT : PRINT : PRINT : PRINT : PRINT " S. S. benefits = $";b 290 GO SUB 2000 300 PRINT : PRINT 320 PRINT " The difference between yourannual income needed (";p;") andyour Social Security benefits (";b;") is $";p-b;"." 330 PRINT " This annual insurance gap you'll want life insurance to make up, but you must decide forhow many years. This depends on the ages of your spouse and children. Choose a time period from the table." 350 PRINT : PRINT " NUMBER OF YEARS" 360 PRINT 370 PRINT "5 10 15 20 25 30 50" 380 INPUT "Enter time period from above. ";t 385 IF t<5 OR t>50 THEN GO TO 380 390 IF t=5 THEN LET a=4.7 400 IF t=10 THEN LET a=8.7 410 IF t=15 THEN LET a=12 420 IF t=20 THEN LET a=15 430 IF t=25 THEN LET a=18 440 IF t=30 THEN LET a=20 450 IF t=50 THEN LET a=26 470 PRINT : PRINT " The amount of money needed for the next ";t;" years is $";a*(p-b);"." 490 GO SUB 2000 500 PRINT : PRINT : PRINT : PRINT : PRINT 520 PRINT " Now you must add a lump sumas a cushion for funeral ex-penses, debts, etc., at least half a year's salary." 550 INPUT "Enter lump sum. ";l 551 PRINT : PRINT : PRINT : PRINT : PRINT : PRINT " Lump sum = $";l 560 GO SUB 2000 600 PRINT : PRINT : PRINT : PRINT 620 PRINT " Now you must subtract what-ever group life insurance you may have at work and also your assets such as savings accounts,stocks, retirement accounts, etc." 630 INPUT "Enter your assets. ";gl 640 PRINT : PRINT : PRINT : PRINT : PRINT " Total assets = $";gl 690 GO SUB 2000 700 PRINT : PRINT : PRINT "SUMMARY OF LIFE INSURANCE NEEDS" 710 PRINT : PRINT : PRINT INVERSE 1;"Annual Income Needed"; INVERSE 0;TAB 23;p 720 PRINT : PRINT INVERSE 1;"Annual S. S. Benefits"; INVERSE 0;TAB 23;b 730 PRINT : PRINT INVERSE 1;"No. of Years Needed"; INVERSE 0;TAB 26;t 740 PRINT : PRINT INVERSE 1;"Amt. of Money Needed"; INVERSE 0;TAB 22;a*(p-b) 750 PRINT : PRINT INVERSE 1;"Lump Sum Expenses"; INVERSE 0;TAB 23;l 760 PRINT : PRINT INVERSE 1;"Assets"; INVERSE 0;TAB 23;gl 800 PRINT : PRINT : PRINT " Your life insurance needs are- "'TAB 13;"$"; INVERSE 1;(((a*(p-b))+l)-gl) 850 INPUT "COPY or AGAIN (C/A)? ";n$ 860 IF n$="C" OR n$="c" THEN COPY 870 IF n$="A" OR n$="a" THEN RUN 100 880 GO TO 850 999 STOP 1000 BORDER 1: PAPER 1: INK 7: CLS 1010 PRINT : PRINT : PRINT : PRINT 1015 PRINT TAB 12;"\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::" 1020 PRINT TAB 12; INVERSE 1;" L I F E " 1025 PRINT TAB 12;"\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::" 1030 PRINT : PRINT 1035 PRINT TAB 7;"\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::" 1040 PRINT TAB 7; INVERSE 1;" I N S U R A N C E " 1045 PRINT TAB 7;"\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::" 1050 PRINT : PRINT 1055 PRINT TAB 7;"\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::" 1060 PRINT TAB 7; INVERSE 1;" E S T I M A T E R " 1065 PRINT TAB 7;"\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::" 1450 GO SUB 2000 1500 RETURN 2000 PRINT AT 21,3; FLASH 1;"Press any key to continue." 2100 PAUSE 0: CLS 2200 RETURN 9999 CLEAR : CLS : SAVE "lifeinsest" LINE 1: BEEP 1,32: PRINT "Rewind to VERIFY.": VERIFY "": BEEP .2,30: PRINT FLASH 1;" V E R I F I E D