
Developer(s): Pete Fischer
Date: 1983
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

This medical expert system can diagnose over 90 different maladies based on the information you provide in answering questions. But be advised, this program is S-L-O-W ! It takes, on average, about TWO HOURS to arrive at an opinion.

It takes your answer to a question and recalculates the probabilities of likelihood for all the 90+ possible outcomes, then it selects the next most important question and prints it. All this is done in BASIC. Since it is in BASIC, it takes about 2 minutes between each question. But when it finally does reach its opinion, it will also give you a precise estimate of it’s probability of accuracy!

This program written by Chris Naylor and is in his book BUILD YOUR OWN EXPERT SYSTEM, published by John Wiley & Sons.


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