
Date: 1986
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

Graphic of computer memory.

Appears on

Library tape from the Sinclair Computer Users Society (SINCUS).



Source Code

    1 REM memscan    ZX-Appeal                       Sept. 1986
   10 FOR x=65500 TO 65533
   20 READ y: POKE x,y
   30 NEXT x
   40 DATA 33,0,0,14,1
   50 DATA 6,27,62,0,197
   60 DATA 229,190,40,3,205
   70 DATA 62,38,225,35,35
   80 DATA 193,4,62,156,184
   90 DATA 32,236,12,62,255
  100 DATA 185,32,228,201
  110 RANDOMIZE USR 65500
  115 STOP 
  120 SAVE "memscan"CODE 65500,34


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