Mission Impossible

Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

LOCATION: The Bruce Automated Nuclear Power Station, patrolled by Guardian Robots and protected by a Laser Defence Mechanism.

PROBLEM: More trouble with the Commodore XL600 Computer!

RESULT: A fuel rod handling malfunction. All rods are exposed! Time to critical radioactive runaway condition is unknown!

MISSION: Your mission, should you decide to take it, is to replace the outdated computer with modern Hi-Tech 2068’s. Then move the fuel rods into protective lead containers.


  1. Fuel rods are located at the top of the screen and are recognized by their flashing radiation warning indicators
  2. The lead containers are in a corridor at the base of the screen.
  3. You must transport the rods to the containers, avoiding the laser fire and Guardian Robot.

Appears on

Library tape of the Indiana Sinclair Timex User’s Group.
One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20121 to 20163. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.


Source Code

  110 LET l=-1: LET m=0
  500 IF PEEK 65370<>28 THEN GO SUB 9500
  505 RESTORE 9990
  510 GO TO 9820
 1000 GO SUB j
 1010 IF INT (RND*rc)=1 THEN LET l=l+1: IF l>1 THEN LET l=-1
 1020 GO SUB 3100+(100*l)
 1030 GO SUB j
 1040 GO SUB 3500
 1500 GO TO 1000
 2050 IF |(1,1)=4 THEN GO TO 2500
 2060 IF |(1,1)=2 THEN GO TO 2600
 2070 IF |(1,1)=1 THEN GO TO 2700
 2080 IF |(1,1)=8 THEN GO TO 2800
 2090 RETURN 
 2500 LET nx=nx-1
 2515 IF ATTR (ny,nx)=57 THEN GO TO 2550
 2520 PRINT INK c;AT ny,nx+1;"\g";: BEEP .05,-8: PRINT AT ny,nx;"\f"; INK 7;AT ny,nx+1;" ": BEEP .05,-3: PRINT INK c;AT ny,nx;"\a"
 2525 RETURN 
 2550 LET nx=nx+1: RETURN 
 2600 LET ny=ny+1
 2603 IF ATTR (ny,nx)=63 THEN GO TO 2620
 2605 IF ATTR (ny,nx)=56 THEN GO TO 5000
 2615 IF ATTR (ny,nx)=57 THEN GO TO 2650
 2620 PRINT INK c;AT ny-1,nx;"\d";AT ny,nx;"\e": BEEP .05,-8: PRINT INK c;AT ny-1,nx;"\b";AT ny,nx;"\c": BEEP .1,-8: PRINT INK 7;AT ny-1,nx;" "; INK c;AT ny,nx;"\a"
 2625 RETURN 
 2650 LET ny=ny-1: RETURN 
 2700 LET ny=ny-1
 2710 IF ATTR (ny,nx)=187 THEN GO SUB 5200
 2715 IF ATTR (ny,nx)=57 THEN GO TO 2750
 2720 PRINT INK c;AT ny,nx;"\b";AT ny+1,nx;"\c": BEEP .05,-8: PRINT AT ny,nx;"\d";AT ny+1,nx;"\e": BEEP .1,-3: PRINT INK 7;AT ny+1,nx;" "; INK c;AT ny,nx;"\a"
 2725 RETURN 
 2750 LET ny=ny+1: RETURN 
 2800 LET nx=nx+1
 2815 IF ATTR (ny,nx)=57 THEN GO TO 2850
 2820 PRINT INK c;AT ny,nx-1;"\f": BEEP .05,-8: PRINT INK 7;AT ny,nx-1;" "; INK c;AT ny,nx;"\g": BEEP .05,-3: PRINT INK c;AT ny,nx;"\a"
 2825 RETURN 
 2850 LET nx=nx-1: RETURN 
 3000 LET hx=16*(INT (RND*13))+27
 3010 INK 2: PLOT hx,32: DRAW 0,119: BEEP .07,30: INK 7: PLOT hx,32: DRAW 0,119
 3020 IF nx<>INT (hx/8) THEN RETURN 
 3025 IF ny<3 OR ny>17 THEN RETURN 
 3030 LET m=m+1: IF m<3 THEN GO TO 4700: GO TO 3225
 3100 FOR x=1 TO 10: NEXT x
 3110 RETURN 
 3200 LET hy=2*INT (RND*7)+3
 3210 PRINT INK 4;AT hy,2;"\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h": BEEP .07,20: PRINT INK 7;AT hy,2;"                           "
 3220 IF hy<>ny THEN RETURN 
 3221 LET m=m+1: IF m<3 THEN GO TO 4700
 3225 FOR x=1 TO 6: BEEP .05,7*x: PRINT INK x;AT ny,nx;"\k";AT ny,nx;"\l";AT ny,nx;"\m";AT ny,nx;"\n": NEXT x
 3230 PRINT AT ny,nx;" "
 3235 GO TO 4000
 3500 PRINT INK 7;AT 2,gx;" "
 3510 READ g: PRINT INK 2;AT 2,g;"\t"
 3515 LET gx=g
 3520 IF nx=g AND ny=2 THEN GO TO 3560
 3530 IF g=2 THEN RESTORE 9990
 3540 RETURN 
 3550 LET m=m+1: IF m<3 THEN GO TO 4700
 3600 FOR x=1 TO 6: INK x: PRINT AT ny,nx;"\k": BEEP .03,8*x: PRINT AT ny,nx;"\l": BEEP .03,(8*x)-10: PRINT AT ny,nx;"\m": BEEP .03,(8*x)-20: PRINT AT ny,nx;"\n": BEEP .03,(8*x)-30: GO TO 3225
 4000 PAUSE 100: INK 0: PAPER 7: CLS 
 4030 PRINT "All life functions zero": BEEP .1,0: PRINT : PRINT 
 4058 PRINT "Fuel rods recovered:     ";rs
 4060 PRINT "Mission success:         ";INT (rs/14*100);"%": BEEP .1,0: PRINT : PRINT : PRINT : PRINT 
 4070 PRINT "Press:": PRINT : PRINT "1: For Mission Instructions.": PRINT "2: To start.": BEEP .1,0
 4080 IF INKEY$="1" THEN GO TO 9200
 4090 IF INKEY$="2" THEN GO TO 9000
 4100 GO TO 4080
 4700 FOR q=1 TO 10: PRINT AT ny,nx; INK 6;"\a"; INK 2;AT ny,nx;"\a": BEEP .02,q: NEXT q
 4710 IF INKEY$="x" THEN GO TO 4740
 4720 GO TO 4710
 4730 CLS : GO TO 9010
 4740 PRINT INK 1;AT 0,0;"\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::";AT 21,0;"\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::"
 4750 PRINT AT ny,nx; INK c;"\a": GO TO 1000
 5000 IF c<>3 THEN GO TO 5100
 5010 LET c=0: LET rc=rc-1
 5020 FOR x=-40 TO 40 STEP 10
 5030 PRINT INK 2;AT ny,nx;"\j"
 5040 LET ny=ny-1
 5050 PRINT INK c;AT ny,nx;"\a"
 5060 LET rs=rs+1: IF rs=14 THEN GO TO 6000
 5070 RETURN 
 5100 LET ny=ny-1: RETURN 
 5200 IF c=3 THEN GO TO 5300
 5210 LET c=3
 5220 FOR x=1 TO 7: PRINT INK x;AT ny,nx;"\i": BEEP .5,6*x: NEXT x: RETURN 
 5300 LET ny=ny+1: RETURN 
 6000 PAUSE 100: PAPER 7: INK 1: BORDER 2: BRIGHT 1: CLS 
 6030 PRINT "CONGATULATIONS!                 All rods recovered              Station now safe.": BEEP .1,10
 9000 PAPER 7: BRIGHT 0: CLS : LET c=0: LET ny=19: LET nx=15: LET rs=0: LET gx=4: LET m=0: LET rc=17
 9010 PRINT INK 1;"\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::"
 9020 PRINT INK 1;"\::\::": FOR x=2 TO 28 STEP 2: PRINT AT 1,x; INK 3; FLASH 1;"\p"; INK 1; FLASH 0;"\::": NEXT x: PRINT AT 1,30; INK 1;"\::\::"
 9030 PRINT INK 1;"\::\::"; INK 7;"                           "; INK 1;"\::\::\::"
 9035 FOR y=3 TO 15 STEP 2: PRINT AT y,0; INK 1;"\::\q"; INK 7;"                           "; INK 1;"\r\::\::": PRINT AT y+1,0; INK 1;"\::\::\::": FOR x=3 TO 25 STEP 2: PRINT AT y+1,x; INK 7;" "; INK 1;"\u";: NEXT x: PRINT INK 7;" "; INK 1;"\::\::\::\::": NEXT y
 9040 PRINT INK 1;"\::"; INK 7;"                             "; INK 1;"\::\::"
 9045 PRINT INK 1;"\::"; INK 7;" "; INK 1;"\::\s\::\s\::\s\::\s\::\s\::\s\::\s\::\s\::\s\::\s\::\s\::\s\::\s\::"; INK 7;" "; INK 1;"\::\::"
 9050 PRINT INK 1;"\::"; INK 7;"                             "; INK 1;"\::\::"
 9055 PRINT INK 1;"\::\::": FOR x=2 TO 28 STEP 2: PRINT AT 20,x; INK 0;"\p"; INK 1;"\::": NEXT x: PRINT AT 20,30; INK 1;"\::\::"
 9060 PRINT INK 1;"\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::"
 9070 PRINT INK c;AT ny,nx;"\a"
 9080 GO TO 1000
 9200 CLS : INK 0: PAPER 7: BORDER 7: CLS 
 9210 PRINT "LOCATION:": BEEP .5,10: PRINT ''"The Bruce Automated Nuclear     Power Station, patrolled by     Guardian Robots and protected   by a Laser Defence Mechanism.": BEEP .5,10
 9220 PRINT AT 18,3;"Press ENTER to continue"
 9240 PAUSE 0: CLS : PRINT "PROBLEM:": BEEP .5,10: PRINT ''"More trouble with the Commodore XL600 Computer!"''"Result: A fuel rod handling             malfunction. All rods           are exposed!"''"Time to critical radioactive    runaway condition is unknown!": BEEP .5,10 
 9245 PRINT AT 18,3;"Press ENTER to continue"
 9250 PAUSE 0: CLS : PRINT "MISSION:": BEEP .5,10: PRINT ''"Your mission, should you decide to take it, is to replace the   outdated computer with modern   Hi-Tech 2068's."''"Then move the fuel rods into    protective lead  containers.": BEEP .5,10
 9260 PRINT AT 18,3;"Press ENTER to continue"
 9310 PAUSE 0: CLS : INK 2: PRINT "TOP SECRET:": BEEP .5,10: PRINT ''"1.  Fuel rods are located at the    top of the screen and are       recognized by their flashing    radiation warning indicators": BEEP .5,10
 9320 PRINT ''"2.  The lead containers are in a    corridor at the base of the     screen.": BEEP .5,10
 9330 PRINT '"3.  You must transport the rods     to the containers, avoiding     the laser fire and Guardian     Robot.": BEEP .5,10
 9340 PRINT '''"Press ENTER to continue": PAUSE 0
 9375 CLS : INK 0: PRINT "YOUR DECISION:"''''"1.  Accept mission at all risk."'''"2.  Refuse mission (program will    self-destruct in 10 seconds)": BEEP .5,10
 9380 IF INKEY$="1" THEN GO TO 9420
 9385 IF INKEY$="2" THEN GO TO 9400
 9390 GO TO 9380
 9400 INK 7: PAPER 0: CLS : FOR w=1 TO 5: CLS : BEEP .05,w: BEEP .05,w+5: BEEP .05,w+10: PRINT AT 10,15;11-w: PAUSE 50: NEXT w
 9405 FOR w=1 TO 6: BEEP .05,w+5: BEEP .05,w+10: BEEP .05,w+15: PRINT AT 10,15;6-w: PAUSE 55: NEXT w
 9410 FOR w=40 TO -40 STEP -5: BEEP .05,w: NEXT w: PRINT AT 10,13;"POOF!": DELETE 1,
 9420 LET j=2050: GO TO 9000
 9500 FOR z=144 TO 164:
 9510 FOR v=0 TO 7: READ a: POKE USR (CHR$ z)+v,a: NEXT v
 9520 NEXT z
 9650 RETURN 
 9700 DATA 0,8,28,42,8,20,20,20,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,8,28,44,8,20,20,16,0,0
 9715 DATA 0,0,0,0,8,28,26,8,20,20,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,6,3,2,5,4
 9730 DATA 0,64,64,96,192,64,160,32,0,0,0,170,85,0,0,0,60,60,255,255,255,255,60,60
 9745 DATA 126,195,165,153,153,165,195,126,0,0,0,24,24,0,0,0,0,0,60,36,36,60,0,0
 9760 DATA 0,126,66,66,66,66,126,0,255,129,129,129,129,129,129,255,224,208,64,160,160,32,0,0
 9775 DATA 0,24,60,126,126,60,24,0,0,96,96,126,104,96,0,0,0,6,22,126,22,6,0,0
 9790 DATA 0,16,16,56,16,124,124,0,165,255,153,90,126,36,24,0,126,255,255,255,255,255,255,126
 9820 PAPER 7: BORDER 7: CLS : LET j=0
 9825 FOR y=4 TO 0 STEP -1: INK y
 9850 LET j=j+1: IF j=16 THEN GO TO 9200: BEEP .5,-25: CLS : PRINT 
 9853 BEEP .5,-25: CLS : PRINT 
 9860 PRINT " \:'\':\''\: \: \:'\''\':\ :\''\''\: \: \:'\''\':\ :\:  \: "
 9865 PRINT " \: \ : \: \: \:.\..\..\ :\..\..\. \: \:  \ :\ :\ : \: "
 9870 PRINT " \: \ : \: \: \.  \ :\ .  \: \: \:  \ :\ : \: \: "
 9880 PRINT " \' \ ' \' \' \''\''\''\ '\''\''\' \' \''\''\''\ ' \ '\' "''
 9900 PRINT " \: \:'\':\''\: \:'\''\':\ :\''\''\: \:'\''\':\ :\''\''\: \ :\ :\''\': \:   \ :\''\''\' "
 9905 PRINT " \: \: \ : \: \:.\..\.:\ :  \: \:.\..\..\ :\..\..\. \ :\ :\..\.:\. \:   \ :\..\..\. "
 9910 PRINT " \: \: \ : \: \:   \ :  \: \.  \ :\ .  \: \ :\ :  \: \:   \ :"
 9915 PRINT " \' \' \ ' \' \'   \ '\''\''\' \''\''\''\ '\''\''\' \ '\ '\''\''\' \''\''\''\ '\''\''\' "''''
 9930 PRINT " \:'\''\ :\''\: \: \ :\ :\. \: \':\' \:'\'.\ :\''\: \: \. \: \:.\ :  \ '\:'\ :\''\: "
 9935 PRINT " \:.\..\ :\..\: \:.\.:\ :\ '\: \ : \:.\.'\ :\..\: \:.\:.\: \: \':   \: \ :\..\: "''
 9945 PRINT " \:'\''\ :\''\. \: \':\' \: \:'\''\ :\''\: \: "
 9950 PRINT " \:.\..\ :\''\. \: \ : \: \:.\..\ :\''\: \:.\..  . . . . ."''
 9975 NEXT y
 9977 GO TO 9825
 9980 GO TO 9200
 9990 DATA 3,4,3,4,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,8,7,6,5,6,7,6,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,17,16,15,14,14,13,12,13,14,13,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,17,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,24,23,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,27,26,25,26,27,28,2
 9998 CLEAR : SAVE "Mission" LINE 1: BEEP .4,15
 9999 VERIFY ""


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