
Date: 198x
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

Dialer for connecting to a service prior to loading MTerm.

Appears on

One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20001 to 20050. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.



Source Code

    1 INPUT "Phone Number?";a$
    3 CLS 
   15 OUT 119,31
   18 PAUSE 50
   19 PRINT AT 10,8; FLASH 1;"Dialing "; FLASH 0;a$
   20 FOR i=1 TO LEN a$
   30 LET a=VAL a$(i)
   32 IF a=0 THEN LET a=10
   35 PAUSE 32
   40 GO SUB 60
   50 NEXT i
   55 GO TO 150
   60 FOR d=1 TO a
   70 FOR e=3 TO 4
   80 OUT 119,e
   90 PAUSE 2.5
  100 NEXT e
  110 OUT 119,1
  120 OUT 119,2
  130 NEXT d
  140 RETURN 
  160 FOR i=1 TO 2000
  165 IF IN 119=133 THEN CLS : PRINT FLASH 1;"C O N N E C T E D ! !": GO TO 200
  168 NEXT i
  170 OUT 119,0
  175 PAUSE 100
  180 GO TO 3
  200 FOR i=1 TO 10: BEEP .05,18: NEXT i
  210 LET g$=INKEY$: PRINT AT 10,0; FLASH 1;"Hit <ENTER> to Start MTERM"
  215 IF g$=CHR$ 13 THEN GO TO 220
  218 GO TO 200
  220 POKE 61157,24: POKE 61158,6
  230 POKE 61170,184: POKE 61172,184
  240 FOR i=61193 TO 61211: READ m: POKE i,m: NEXT i
  250 FOR i=61311 TO 61331: POKE i,32: NEXT i
  260 POKE 61699,21
  280 OUT 119,34: PRINT USR 54016
  300 DATA 254,147,27,95,254,147,27,95,234,246,50,193,154,89,193,247,105,105,121,195
  305 LIST 


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