Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068
Collect money for bank deposit.
Appears on
Library tape of the Indiana Sinclair Timex User’s Group.
One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20121 to 20163. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.
Source Code
5 BEEP .3,20 10 GO TO 1000 100 LET sc=sc+1: SOUND 6,6;7,7;8,16;9,16;10,16;12,56;13,8: PAUSE 10: SOUND 8,0;9,0;10,0 110 LET b$=CHR$ 144+CHR$ (146+sc)+CHR$ 146 120 LET x=x+10*VAL a$(2): PRINT AT 0,7;x 150 RETURN 200 LET sc=0: LET t=t+x: LET x=0: PRINT AT 0,7;"00 ";AT 0,27;t: BEEP .05,48: BEEP .07,44 210 LET b$="\a\b\c": PRINT AT 21,28;b$ 220 FOR e=12 TO 2 STEP -2: PRINT AT e,29;"$";AT e+2,29;" ": NEXT e: PRINT AT 2,29;" " 230 RETURN 1000 GO SUB 4000 1010 GO SUB 6000 1020 BORDER 2: PAPER 7: INK 0: CLS 1025 LET b$="\a\b\c" 1030 PRINT AT 15,29;"B";TAB 29;"A";TAB 29;"N";TAB 29;"K";AT 21,29;AT 20,29;"^" 1040 LET t=0: LET p=14: LET sc=0: LET x=0 1050 PRINT AT 21,p;b$ 1060 PRINT AT 0,0;"\ :PAIL\: $00";TAB 10;"\ :BILLS\: 0";TAB 20;"\ :BANK\ :$00" 2000 REM DROP 2010 FOR a=1 TO 20 2040 LET q=10*(INT (RND*9)+1): LET a$="$"+CHR$ (q/10+48)+"0": LET c=INT (RND*22)+3: PRINT AT 0,17;21-a;" " 2060 REM GO 2070 FOR b=h TO 20: PRINT AT b,c;a$: BEEP d/100,b: LET p=p-(INKEY$="n")+(INKEY$="m"): LET p=p+(p=0)-(p=28): PRINT AT 21,p;" ";b$;" ";AT b,c;" ": NEXT b 2110 REM HIT 2115 IF p=27 THEN GO SUB 200 2120 IF c=p+1 AND sc<5 THEN GO SUB 100 2140 NEXT a 3000 REM END 3010 PRINT AT 10,5;"Press 'P' to try again" 3020 LET d$=INKEY$: IF d$<>"p" THEN GO TO 3020 3030 GO SUB 4060: GO TO 1020 3040 STOP 4010 INK 0: PAPER 7: BORDER 2: CLS 4020 PRINT AT 2,9;"\ .\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\. ";TAB 9;"\ :MONEY PAIL\: ";TAB 9;"\ '\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\' " 4030 PRINT AT 7,1;"If there were tens of dollars falling from the sky, how much of it could you catch with a small pail?";AT 12,1;"NOTE: Your pail only holds 5 bills. Take your money to the bank and come back for more.";AT 18,1;" USE KEYS N & M TO MOVE PAIL " 4040 PRINT AT 21,4;"Press ENTER to continue" 4050 PAUSE 0: CLS 4060 PRINT AT 3,7;"ENTER SKILL LEVEL:";AT 6,9;"(1) easy";TAB 9;"(2) so-so";TAB 9;"(3) hard";AT 10,5;" " 4070 LET c$=INKEY$: IF c$<"1" OR c$>"3" THEN GO TO 4070 4080 LET d=7-2*VAL c$: LET h=7-d 4090 PRINT ; FLASH 1;AT 13,11;"READY?"; FLASH 0 4095 PAUSE 60 4100 RETURN 6010 FOR n=0 TO 7: READ l: POKE USR "\a"+n,l: NEXT n 6020 FOR n=0 TO 7: READ m: POKE USR "\b"+n,m: NEXT n 6030 FOR n=0 TO 7: READ r: POKE USR "\c"+n,r: NEXT n 6032 FOR n=0 TO 7: READ e: POKE USR "\d"+n,e: NEXT n 6033 FOR n=0 TO 7: READ i: POKE USR "\e"+n,i: NEXT n 6034 FOR n=0 TO 7: READ o: POKE USR "\f"+n,o: NEXT n 6035 FOR n=0 TO 7: READ u: POKE USR "\g"+n,u: NEXT n 6036 FOR n=0 TO 7: READ y: POKE USR "\h"+n,y: NEXT n 6040 DATA 192,192,192,192,192,192,255,255,0,0,0,0,0,0,255,255,3,3,3,3,3,3,255,255,0,0,0,0,0,255,255,255,0,0,0,0,255,255,255,255,0,0,0,255,255,255,255,255,0,0,255,255,255,255,255,255,0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255 6050 RETURN 9998 CLEAR : SAVE "MoneyPail" LINE 1 9999 VERIFY ""