
Date: 198x
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

Learn/review Morse code.



Source Code

    5 GO TO 2000
    8 CLS 
    9 RESTORE 
   10 FOR a=1 TO 26
   14 PRINT AT 17,0;"Press [M] to return to menu"
   15 PRINT AT 19,0;"Press any other key to continue"
   16 IF INKEY$="m" OR INKEY$="M" THEN GO TO 2000
   20 PRINT AT 0,0;CHR$ (a+64);" ";
   30 READ b$
   35 FOR d=1 TO LEN b$
   36 PRINT b$(d);
   41 IF b$(d)="-" THEN BEEP speed,20
   42 IF b$(d)="." THEN BEEP speed/3,20
   50 NEXT d
   56 PAUSE 0
   57 CLS 
   60 NEXT a
   70 GO TO 2000
   90 CLS 
  100 PRINT AT 3,9;"Send message"
  101 PRINT AT 6,2;"What message would you like to send?"
  105 INPUT a$
  106 CLS 
  107 RESTORE 
  110 FOR l=1 TO LEN a$
  120 LET d=CODE a$(l)
  121 IF d=32 THEN NEXT l
  130 FOR e=1 TO 26
  135 READ w$
  140 IF e=d-64 THEN GO TO 300
  150 NEXT e
  301 FOR q=1 TO LEN w$
  302 PRINT AT 10,0;w$;"    "
  305 IF w$(q)="-" THEN BEEP speed,20
  306 IF w$(q)="." THEN BEEP speed/3,20
  307 NEXT q
  309 PRINT AT 19,0;a$( TO l)
  310 RESTORE : NEXT l
  315 PAUSE 400
  320 GO TO 2000
  399 CLS 
  400 PRINT AT 3,12;"Test"
  410 INPUT "How many questions?";qu
  490 FOR t=1 TO qu
  495 RESTORE 
  500 FOR a=1 TO INT (RND*26)+1
  501 READ a$
  502 NEXT a
  503 FOR d=1 TO LEN a$
  504 IF a$(d)="-" THEN BEEP speed,20
  505 IF a$(d)="." THEN BEEP speed/3,20
  506 NEXT d
  508 PRINT AT 8,2;"What letter is represented by:"
  509 PRINT AT 10,0;"                                "
  530 PRINT AT 10,(31-LEN a$)/2;a$
  540 LET ans=a+63
  550 INPUT n$
  555 PRINT AT 14,0;"Your answer was ";n$
  560 IF CODE n$=ans THEN GO TO 700
  565 BEEP .4,-25
  570 PRINT AT 12,0;"  Wrong, the letter is ";CHR$ ANS
  575 PAUSE 200: CLS 
  580 NEXT t
  590 GO TO 800
  700 BEEP .1,10: BEEP .1,0: BEEP .1,40
  702 PRINT AT 12,0;"Correct, the letter is ";n$
  705 LET cor=cor+1
  706 PAUSE 200
  710 NEXT t
  820 PRINT "You scored ";cor;" right"
  830 PRINT "out of ";qu;". That is ";INT ((cor/qu)*100);"%."
  840 PRINT 300: GO TO 2000
 1000 DATA ".-","-...","-.-.","-..",".","..-.","--.","....","..",".---","-.-",".-..","--","-.","---",".--.","--.-",".-.","...","-","..-","...-",".--","-..-","-.--","--.."
 2000 CLS 
 2001 LET cor=0
 2005 LET speed=.2
 2010 PRINT AT 3,10;"MORSE CODE"
 2012 PRINT OVER 1;AT 3,10;"__________"
 2015 PRINT AT 5,2;"Choose one of the following:"
 2020 PRINT AT 9,5;"1) Review alphabet/code";AT 10,5;"2) Send code";AT 11,5;"3) Test"
 2060 PRINT AT 19,0;"Make sure the caps shift isin the ON ERRCBEEP  Mode,or the computer will not  understand you answer"
 2080 LET a$=INKEY$
 2081 OVER 0
 2085 IF a$="1" THEN GO TO 8
 2087 IF a$="2" THEN GO TO 99
 2090 IF a$="3" THEN GO TO 399
 2091 FOR t=8 TO 27: PRINT OVER 1;AT 9,t;"_": NEXT t
 2092 FOR t=8 TO 27: PRINT OVER 1;AT 9,t;"_": NEXT t
 2093 FOR t=8 TO 16: PRINT OVER 1;AT 10,t;"_": NEXT t
 2094 FOR t=8 TO 16: PRINT OVER 1;AT 10,t;"_": NEXT t
 2095 FOR t=8 TO 11: PRINT OVER 1;AT 11,t;"_": NEXT t
 2096 FOR t=8 TO 11: PRINT OVER 1;AT 11,t;"_": NEXT t
 2110 GO TO 2080


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