Calculate how much home you can afford, based on several factors.
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One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20083 to 20120. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.
Source Code
10 CLS 20 GO SUB 100 30 IF a$="A" THEN GO TO 50 35 IF a$="B" THEN GO TO 70 40 IF a$="C" THEN GO TO 90 45 PRINT "Error. try again?": GO TO 20 50 CLS : GO SUB 500 60 GO TO 95 70 CLS : GO SUB 600 80 GO TO 95 90 CLS : GO SUB 700 95 INPUT x$: GO TO 10 100 REM 110 PRINT "Option A--Given cost of new home" 120 PRINT "Calculate monthly payments." 122 PRINT 125 PRINT TAB 12;"Or" 126 PRINT 130 PRINT "Opition B--Given desired monthly payments" 140 PRINT TAB 0;"calculate maxium price of new home" 142 PRINT 145 PRINT TAB 12;"Or" 146 PRINT 150 PRINT "Option C--Given income,calculate the maxium cost of a new home and the monthly payments." 180 PRINT : PRINT : INPUT "enter option A,B,C";a$ 200 REM inputs 210 INPUT "Sale price of old home $";so 220 INPUT "Balance on old mortgage $ ";om 230 INPUT "Balance on second mortgage $";os 240 INPUT "Expenses for moving and improvements $ ";me 250 LET dp=so-om-os-me 260 PRINT : PRINT "Down payment available $ ";dp 270 RETURN 300 REM income 310 INPUT "Gross annual income $ ";ai 320 LET fr=ai*.2/12 330 RETURN 400 REM 410 IF mp<=fr THEN GO TO 430 420 PRINT "Purchase not recommended" 425 PRINT "($";mp-fr;" Short on monthly payments)": RETURN 430 PRINT "Purchase recommended" 440 IF dp>=.15*cn THEN GO TO 460 450 PRINT TAB 5;"By VA or FHA": RETURN 460 PRINT TAB 5;"By Conventioal loan": RETURN 500 REM 510 CLS : GO SUB 200 515 INPUT "price of new home $ ";cn 520 LET mp=8.2*(cn-dp)/1000 530 PRINT "Monthly paymens is $ ";mp 540 PRINT : GO SUB 300 600 REM 610 CLS : GO SUB 200 615 INPUT "Desired monthly payments $ ";mp 620 LET cn=1000/8.2*mp+dp 630 PRINT : PRINT "Maxium cost of new home $ ";cn 640 GO SUB 300 650 PRINT "Funds available for monthly pay ments $ ";fr 660 PRINT : GO SUB 400 670 RETURN 700 REM 710 CLS : GO SUB 300 720 LET mp=fr: PRINT : GO SUB 200 730 LET cn=1000/8.2*mp+dp 740 PRINT "Maxium cost of new home $ ";cn 750 PRINT : GO SUB 400 800 SAVE "mortgage" LINE 100 810 STOP