The following routine was suggested by “ALPHASORT” BY R. CLOUGH which was on LIST Library tape 5. It will sort program names, without the need to enter them manually, after you have used “multi tape”(see tape 5) to list the programs on a tape (or tapes). To load it simply MERGE it into “multi tape”. To use it you can stop “multi tape” and enter GOTO 600. Or, if you are ambitious, you can insert it into the menu. It takes a very long time to work (up to several hours). It will sound a tone when it is done.
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Source Code
600 REM "multi sort" A SORTing routine for "multi tape" by R W Malloy 601 REM The following routine was suggested by "ALPHASORT" BY R. CLOUGH which was on LIST Library tape 5. It will sort program names, without the need to enter them manualy, after you have used "multi tape"(see tape 5) to list the programs on a tape (or tapes). To load it simply MERGE it into "multi tape". To use it you can stop "multi tape" and enter GOTO 600. Or, if you are ambitious, you can insert it into the menu. It takes a very long time to work (up to several hours). It will sound a tone when it is done. NOTE!! Delete this line (601) to give the program more rooom. 610 LET x=n-1 620 DIM d(1,4) 630 FOR m=1 TO x-1 640 FOR l=1 TO x-m 650 IF t$(l+1,18 TO )>t$(l,18 TO ) THEN GO TO 840 660 LET u$=t$(l+1) 670 LET o$=n$(l+1) 680 LET d(1,1)=c(l+1,1) 690 LET d(1,2)=c(l+1,2) 700 LET d(1,3)=c(l+1,3) 710 LET d(1,4)=c(l+1,4) 720 LET t$(l+1)=t$(l) 730 LET n$(l+1)=n$(l) 740 LET c(l+1,1)=c(l,1) 750 LET c(l+1,2)=c(l,2) 760 LET c(l+1,3)=c(l,3) 770 LET c(l+1,4)=c(l,4) 780 LET t$(l)=u$ 790 LET n$(l)=o$ 800 LET c(l,1)=d(1,1) 810 LET c(l,2)=d(1,2) 820 LET c(l,3)=d(1,3) 830 LET c(l,4)=d(1,4) 840 NEXT l 850 NEXT m 860 GO TO 5