New York by Night

Developer(s): George Chambers
Date: 1983
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

Typical invader game: destroy the aliens that are attempting to flatten New York. Taken from ‘Popular Computing Weekly’ 2/8 June 83.

Appears on

Library tape of the Indiana Sinclair Timex User’s Group.
One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20121 to 20163. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.


New York by Night

Source Code

   10 REM     'New York' 
   30 REM     Taken from            'Popular Computing Weekly'             2/8 june 83
   40                            REM  entered by   G.F. Chambers  
   50 GO SUB 620
   60 BORDER 0: PAPER 0: INK 7: CLS 
   70 LET z=0: FOR m=Z TO 50: INK INT (RND*6)+1: PLOT BRIGHT 0;INT (RND*255),175-INT (RND*125): NEXT m
   80 PRINT #1; INK 6;"        New York By Night": INK 7
   90 LET z=z+INT (RND*1)+1
  100 FOR u=20 TO (21-INT (RND*le)) STEP -1: PRINT AT u,z; INK 4; BRIGHT 1;"\d": PRINT AT u-1,z; INK 4; BRIGHT 1;"\c": NEXT u
  110 IF z<=29 THEN GO TO 90
  120 PRINT AT 21,0; BRIGHT 1; INK 4;"                                "
  130 IF aw>=0 THEN LET bh=bh+1: LET x=19-bh: LET y=13
  140 REM PRINT #1; INK 6;"     New York By Night"
  150 PRINT AT 5,9;"Attack Wave ";aw: LET c=0
  160 PAUSE 100: PRINT AT 5,9;"               "
  170 PRINT AT 0,0; FLASH 1;"Score = ";sc: PRINT FLASH 1;"Level ";le: LET c=c+1
  180 LET k=0
  190 LET l=INT (RND*30)+1
  200 FOR f=0 TO 21
  210 PRINT AT x,y; INK 2; BRIGHT 1;"__"
  220 IF INKEY$="q" AND y>1 THEN LET y=y-2: PRINT AT x,y+2;"  "
  230 IF INKEY$="p" AND y<28 THEN LET y=y+2: PRINT AT x,y-2;"  "
  240 PRINT AT k,l; BRIGHT 1;"\a"
  250 PRINT AT k-1,l;" "
  260 LET k=k+1
  270 IF k=21 AND c>=20 THEN LET aw=aw+1: GO TO 380
  280 IF ATTR (x,y)=71 OR ATTR (x,y+1)=71 THEN GO TO 330
  290 IF f=20 AND ATTR (k,l)=68 THEN LET i=i+1: BEEP .03,30: BEEP .09,45: BEEP .06,20
  300 IF i=27 THEN GO TO 360
  310 NEXT f
  320 GO TO 170
  330 BEEP .07,10: PRINT AT x,y;"\b\b"
  340 LET sc=sc+1
  350 GO TO 170
  360 PRINT AT k,l; BRIGHT 1;"\a": PRINT AT k-1,l;" ": PRINT AT 5,0; INK 2; BRIGHT 1; FLASH 1;"A sufficient amount of New York has been destroyed.The aliens              are leaving          "
  370 PRINT AT 5,31;" ": PRINT AT 6,31;" ": PRINT AT 7,31;" "
  380 IF i<>27 THEN PRINT AT 5,0; FLASH 1; INK 3;"  Attack wave ";aw-1;" is completed, a   mother ship will pick up the    aliens-Prepare for the next            attack wave",
  390 FOR v=0 TO 350: NEXT v
  400 PRINT AT 5,0,,,,,,,,
  410 LET d=31
  420 FOR w=1 TO 31: LET q=2: FOR r=20 TO 2 STEP -1
  430 PRINT AT q,w-1;"\n\c\m"
  440 IF w>=2 THEN PRINT AT q,w-2;"    "
  450 IF w>=31 THEN GO TO 510
  460 IF ATTR (21,w)<>71 AND ATTR (21,w)<>7 AND ATTR (21,w)<>0 THEN NEXT w: PRINT AT r-1,w;"\a"
  470 PRINT AT r,w;"\a"
  480 IF r<=20 THEN PRINT AT r+1,w;" "
  490 IF r=21 THEN BEEP .02,09: BEEP .05,45: BEEP .07,5
  500 NEXT r: NEXT w
  510 PRINT AT 2,29;"  "
  520 PRINT AT x,y;"  ": LET h=4: FOR t=30 TO 0 STEP -1: PRINT AT h,t;"    "
  530 LET h=h+INT (RND*3-1)
  540 INK (RND*7): PLOT BRIGHT 0;INT (RND*255),175-INT (RND*100): INK 7: PRINT AT h,t;"\n\c\m ": NEXT t
  550 PRINT AT h,0;"   ": IF i<>27 THEN PAUSE 20: GO TO 120
  560 CLS 
  570 INPUT "Another game ? ";j$
  580 IF j$<>"y" AND j$<>"n" THEN GO TO 570
  590 FOR b=0 TO 224: OUT 254,b: NEXT b: PRINT AT 10,14;"OK": PAUSE 150
  600 IF j$="y" THEN RUN 
  610 STOP 
  630 LET aw=1: LET j=0: LET sc=j: LET bh=j
  640 BORDER j: PAPER j: INK 7: CLS 
  650 LET i=j: LET c=i: LET k=i
  660 RESTORE : FOR f=0 TO 31: READ s: POKE USR "A"+f,s: NEXT f
  670 DATA 0,65,34,28,42,93,73,65
  680 DATA 136,105,186,28,255,221,174,107
  690 DATA 60,126,153,s,255,153,s,255
  700 DATA 255,153,s,s,255,153,s,255
  710 FOR f=0 TO 15: READ s: POKE USR "m"+f,s: NEXT f
  720 DATA 128,224,88,87,254,248,192,128
  730 DATA 1,7,26,234,127,31,3,1  
  740 PRINT """New York By Night"" is a typical"
  750 PRINT '"invader game. The aim is to"
  760 PRINT '"destroy the aliens which are"
  770 PRINT '"attempting to flatten New York."
  780 PRINT '"You are in control of a flying"
  790 PRINT '"disc which has an antimatter"
  800 PRINT '"surface. The aliens,on contact"
  810 PRINT '"with your disc, self-destruct."
  820 PRINT '"Your flight controls are:"
  830 PRINT '"Q.....Left,     P.....Right"
  840 PRINT ''"Hit any key to start game"
  850 INPUT "Level of Difficulty (2 to 8)";le: LET bh=le
  860 IF le<2 OR le>8 THEN GO TO 850
  870 RETURN 
  880 SAVE "New York" LINE 10
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