Typical invader game: destroy the aliens that are attempting to flatten New York. Taken from ‘Popular Computing Weekly’ 2/8 June 83.
Appears on
Library tape of the Indiana Sinclair Timex User’s Group.
One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20121 to 20163. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.
Source Code
10 REM 'New York' 20 30 REM Taken from 'Popular Computing Weekly' 2/8 june 83 40 REM entered by G.F. Chambers 50 GO SUB 620 60 BORDER 0: PAPER 0: INK 7: CLS 70 LET z=0: FOR m=Z TO 50: INK INT (RND*6)+1: PLOT BRIGHT 0;INT (RND*255),175-INT (RND*125): NEXT m 80 PRINT #1; INK 6;" New York By Night": INK 7 90 LET z=z+INT (RND*1)+1 100 FOR u=20 TO (21-INT (RND*le)) STEP -1: PRINT AT u,z; INK 4; BRIGHT 1;"\d": PRINT AT u-1,z; INK 4; BRIGHT 1;"\c": NEXT u 110 IF z<=29 THEN GO TO 90 120 PRINT AT 21,0; BRIGHT 1; INK 4;" " 130 IF aw>=0 THEN LET bh=bh+1: LET x=19-bh: LET y=13 140 REM PRINT #1; INK 6;" New York By Night" 150 PRINT AT 5,9;"Attack Wave ";aw: LET c=0 160 PAUSE 100: PRINT AT 5,9;" " 170 PRINT AT 0,0; FLASH 1;"Score = ";sc: PRINT FLASH 1;"Level ";le: LET c=c+1 180 LET k=0 190 LET l=INT (RND*30)+1 200 FOR f=0 TO 21 210 PRINT AT x,y; INK 2; BRIGHT 1;"__" 220 IF INKEY$="q" AND y>1 THEN LET y=y-2: PRINT AT x,y+2;" " 230 IF INKEY$="p" AND y<28 THEN LET y=y+2: PRINT AT x,y-2;" " 240 PRINT AT k,l; BRIGHT 1;"\a" 250 PRINT AT k-1,l;" " 260 LET k=k+1 270 IF k=21 AND c>=20 THEN LET aw=aw+1: GO TO 380 280 IF ATTR (x,y)=71 OR ATTR (x,y+1)=71 THEN GO TO 330 290 IF f=20 AND ATTR (k,l)=68 THEN LET i=i+1: BEEP .03,30: BEEP .09,45: BEEP .06,20 300 IF i=27 THEN GO TO 360 310 NEXT f 320 GO TO 170 330 BEEP .07,10: PRINT AT x,y;"\b\b" 340 LET sc=sc+1 350 GO TO 170 360 PRINT AT k,l; BRIGHT 1;"\a": PRINT AT k-1,l;" ": PRINT AT 5,0; INK 2; BRIGHT 1; FLASH 1;"A sufficient amount of New York has been destroyed.The aliens are leaving " 370 PRINT AT 5,31;" ": PRINT AT 6,31;" ": PRINT AT 7,31;" " 380 IF i<>27 THEN PRINT AT 5,0; FLASH 1; INK 3;" Attack wave ";aw-1;" is completed, a mother ship will pick up the aliens-Prepare for the next attack wave", 390 FOR v=0 TO 350: NEXT v 400 PRINT AT 5,0,,,,,,,, 410 LET d=31 420 FOR w=1 TO 31: LET q=2: FOR r=20 TO 2 STEP -1 430 PRINT AT q,w-1;"\n\c\m" 440 IF w>=2 THEN PRINT AT q,w-2;" " 450 IF w>=31 THEN GO TO 510 460 IF ATTR (21,w)<>71 AND ATTR (21,w)<>7 AND ATTR (21,w)<>0 THEN NEXT w: PRINT AT r-1,w;"\a" 470 PRINT AT r,w;"\a" 480 IF r<=20 THEN PRINT AT r+1,w;" " 490 IF r=21 THEN BEEP .02,09: BEEP .05,45: BEEP .07,5 500 NEXT r: NEXT w 510 PRINT AT 2,29;" " 520 PRINT AT x,y;" ": LET h=4: FOR t=30 TO 0 STEP -1: PRINT AT h,t;" " 530 LET h=h+INT (RND*3-1) 540 INK (RND*7): PLOT BRIGHT 0;INT (RND*255),175-INT (RND*100): INK 7: PRINT AT h,t;"\n\c\m ": NEXT t 550 PRINT AT h,0;" ": IF i<>27 THEN PAUSE 20: GO TO 120 560 CLS 570 INPUT "Another game ? ";j$ 580 IF j$<>"y" AND j$<>"n" THEN GO TO 570 590 FOR b=0 TO 224: OUT 254,b: NEXT b: PRINT AT 10,14;"OK": PAUSE 150 600 IF j$="y" THEN RUN 610 STOP 620 REM SETUP 630 LET aw=1: LET j=0: LET sc=j: LET bh=j 640 BORDER j: PAPER j: INK 7: CLS 650 LET i=j: LET c=i: LET k=i 660 RESTORE : FOR f=0 TO 31: READ s: POKE USR "A"+f,s: NEXT f 670 DATA 0,65,34,28,42,93,73,65 680 DATA 136,105,186,28,255,221,174,107 690 DATA 60,126,153,s,255,153,s,255 700 DATA 255,153,s,s,255,153,s,255 710 FOR f=0 TO 15: READ s: POKE USR "m"+f,s: NEXT f 720 DATA 128,224,88,87,254,248,192,128 730 DATA 1,7,26,234,127,31,3,1 740 PRINT """New York By Night"" is a typical" 750 PRINT '"invader game. The aim is to" 760 PRINT '"destroy the aliens which are" 770 PRINT '"attempting to flatten New York." 780 PRINT '"You are in control of a flying" 790 PRINT '"disc which has an antimatter" 800 PRINT '"surface. The aliens,on contact" 810 PRINT '"with your disc, self-destruct." 820 PRINT '"Your flight controls are:" 830 PRINT '"Q.....Left, P.....Right" 840 PRINT ''"Hit any key to start game" 850 INPUT "Level of Difficulty (2 to 8)";le: LET bh=le 860 IF le<2 OR le>8 THEN GO TO 850 870 RETURN 880 SAVE "New York" LINE 10