
Date: 1985
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

‘Shoots’ titles on screen.

Appears on

Library tape from the Sinclair Computer Users Society (SINCUS).



Source Code

    5 REM ZX-Appeal Sept. 86
   10 CLS 
   50 INPUT "Enter text to be displayed. (16 characters max.) ";a$
   60 PRINT AT 0,0; INK 7;a$
   70 FOR x=0 TO 127 STEP 1/3
   80 FOR y=0 TO 7
   90 IF NOT POINT (x,y+168) THEN GO TO 150
  100 PLOT 2*x,3*y+80
  130 BEEP .001,30
  140 PLOT 2*x,3*y+81
  150 NEXT y
  160 NEXT x


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