A very interesting program that takes an audio input from the MIC jack and gives a running graphic reading of it.
Appears on
Capital Area Timex Sinclair User Groupโs Library Tape.
Source Code
100 REM soundscanner 102 DEF FN a(l)=1+INT (.5+l/30) 103 GO SUB 405 105 GO SUB 200 110 DRAW INK FN a(l);x-n,-l+y: LET x=n: LET y=l: RETURN 120 DRAW INK FN a(l);0,-l: RETURN 200 PAPER 0: INK 7: BRIGHT 1: CLS 210 PRINT AT 1,9; INVERSE 1;"SOUND SCANNER" 215 PRINT AT 3,1;"This program gives a graphical representation of audio signals applied to the computer's input terminal." 220 PRINT AT 8,1;" Insert a music cassette,start tape and select one of the following options:" 225 PRINT AT 13,8;"1) NORMAL GRAPH";AT 15,8;"2) BLOCK GRAPH";AT 17,8;"3) DOT GRAPH" 230 INPUT INVERSE 1;"Enter option (1-3) ";q: IF q<1 OR q>3 THEN GO TO 230 250 CLS : PRINT AT 0,7; INVERSE 1;"'SPACE' TO FREEZE": LET I$="": LET X=0: LET Y=0 255 FOR N=0 TO 255 STEP 4: LET L=USR tone/2: PLOT n,l: 260 IF q<3 THEN GO SUB 100+(q*10) 265 LET i$=INKEY$: IF i$=" " THEN GO TO 300 270 NEXT n 275 GO TO 250 300 PRINT AT 0,5; INVERSE 1;"M=MENU R=RESTART E=END" 305 LET I$=INKEY$: IF I$="m" THEN RUN 310 IF I$="r" THEN GO TO 270 320 GO TO 300 400 DATA 1,0,255,17,0,0,219,254,203,119,32,1,19,16,247,66,75,201 405 LET tone=32600 410 FOR n=tone TO tone+17: READ d: POKE n,d: NEXT n: RETURN