Offers four type styles for the TS 2068.
Appears on
One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20001 to 20050. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.
Source Code
8325 LET typ=1: POKE 23618,110: POKE 23619,36: POKE 23620,2 8999 STOP 9323 POKE 23607,60: RETURN 9324 LET typ=2: POKE 23618,110: POKE 23619,36: POKE 23620,2 9325 LET typ=1: POKE 23618,110: POKE 23619,36: POKE 23620,2 9326 LET typ=0: RANDOMIZE USR (torg*256+2-typ): POKE 23607,torg-4: RETURN 9977 REM SETYPE by RRRuegg 9978 REM Public domain program 9979 REM ********************* 9980 POKE 23562,1: LET torg=255: CLEAR (256*torg-769): LET torg=255: LET reg=9323: LET bld=9324: LET mod=9325: LET ital=9326: LET REG=9323: LET BLD=9324: LET MOD=9325: LET ITAL=9326 9981 FOR i=0 TO 79: READ k: POKE (i+256*torg),k: NEXT i 9982 DATA 0,0,121,203,39,203,39,50,21,255,33,0,61,17,0,torg-3 9983 DATA 1,0,3,126,24,48,203,63,24,44,230,112,24,37,121,230,7,203,39,50,40,255,126,24,30,24,28,24,16,24,14,24,14,24,20,24,18,24,2,203,63,203,63,24,10,203,39,203,39,24,4,183,203,39,182,18,35,19,11,120,177,32,196,201 9984 RESTORE 9982: BORDER 6: PAPER 6: INK 9: CLS : POKE 23607,60 9985 PRINT AT 0,1;"SETYPE offers you a choice of";TAB 8;"four type styles"''TAB 12;"Regular"'' 9986 GO SUB bld 9987 PRINT TAB 12;"Bold"'' 9988 GO SUB mod 9989 PRINT TAB 12;"Modern"'' 9990 GO SUB ital 9991 PRINT TAB 12;"Italics"'' 9992 GO SUB reg 9993 PRINT TAB 4;"To choose your type style";TAB 4;"after leaving this screen"'';TAB 6;"Press GOSUB REG";TAB 9;"or GOSUB BLD";TAB 9;"or GOSUB MOD";TAB 9;"or GOSUB ITAL"''TAB 2;"Press C to copy this screen"''TAB 2;"Press any other key to exit" 9994 IF INKEY$="" THEN GO TO 9994 9995 IF INKEY$="C" OR INKEY$="c" THEN COPY 9996 CLS : PAUSE 30 9997 PRINT AT 0,0;"SAVE TO TAPE"; FLASH 1;"?": IF INKEY$="" THEN GO TO 9997 9998 IF INKEY$="y" OR INKEY$="Y" THEN SAVE "SETYPE" LINE 9980 9999 CLS