Enter a message of any length and leave spaces at the end as the message will repeat.
Appears on
Library tape of the Indiana Sinclair Timex User’s Group.
Source Code
10 REM SLOW MESSAGE Enter a message of any length and leave spaces at the end as the message will repeat. by D.J. Currie 20 CLEAR 59999 30 FOR f=0 TO 16: READ a: POKE 60000+f,a: NEXT f 40 LET x=255: LET y=100 50 INPUT "Enter message - ";t$: IF t$="" THEN GO TO 50 60 LET y$=t$ 70 LET n=LEN y$ 80 FOR q=1 TO n 90 GO SUB 110: NEXT q 100 GO TO 80 110 REM Print double size 120 PRINT INK 5;AT 21,0;y$(q) 130 FOR a=7 TO 0 STEP -1 140 FOR b=0 TO 7 150 IF POINT (b,a)=0 THEN GO TO 200 160 FOR c=0 TO 1 170 FOR d=0 TO 1 180 PLOT x-16+2*b+c,y+2*a-d 190 NEXT d: NEXT c 200 NEXT b: NEXT a 210 FOR r=1 TO 16: RANDOMIZE USR 60000: NEXT r 220 PRINT AT 21,0;" ": RETURN 230 DATA 33,255,87,14,192,6,32,183,203,22,43,16,251,13,32,245,201 240 SAVE "Message" LINE 10