Sprite 2

Date: 198x
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

A bug in your BASIC. Variation on Sprite, but adds a rotating display of amusing copyright messages.

Appears on

One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20121 to 20163. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.


Sprite 2

Source Code

    1 RESTORE 25: FOR n=1 TO 8: CLS 
    2 READ a$,b$
    3 PRINT #1;a$''b$
    4 PAUSE 150
    5 RANDOMIZE USR 64776
    6 FOR a=1 TO 15: SOUND 6,15;7,7;8,16;9,16;10,16;12,16;13,16
    9 PAUSE 22+a: SOUND 6,0;7,0;8,0;9,0;10,16;12,2;13,4
   10 NEXT a
   16 POKE 64898,1
   17 NEXT n
   20 RESTORE 25
   22 GO TO 1
   25 DATA "\*  1982 Sinclair Research Ltd","\*  1983 Timex Computer Corp","\*  1982 Sinclair Research Ldt","\*  1984 timeX Computer Carp","\*  1982 Uncle Clive's Works","\*  1984 Timex, Portugal, Ltd","\*  1984 Sir Clive's Car lot","\*  1985 TimEx-computer crap"
   26 DATA "\*  1982 Sinclair Research Inc","\*  1982 Sincus News","\*  1980  APPLE WORKS","\*  1984 Atari Skunk Works","\*  1981 Commodore Computers Inc","\*  1983 IBM PCjr","\*  1981 Texas Instruments Inc","\*  1983 Adam Computers"
   28 REM Sprite demo by Wes Brzozowski, SINCUS
   29 REM Enable with RAND USR 64776
   30 REM Disable with POKE 64898,1
   35 CLEAR 64767
   40 FOR j=65024 TO 65280: POKE j,253: NEXT j
   50 POKE 65021,195: POKE 65022,27: POKE 65023,253
   90 LET checksum=0
  100 RESTORE 1000
  110 FOR j=64776 TO 64992
  120 READ dat: LET checksum=checksum+dat
  130 POKE j,dat
  140 NEXT j
  150 IF checksum>30092 THEN CLS : PRINT "Checksum Error!!!!!!": STOP 
 1000 DATA 243,237,94,62,254,237,71,175,50,130
 1010 DATA 253,205,211,253,205,64,253,251,201,245
 1020 DATA 197,213,229,205,139,253,58,130,253,167
 1030 DATA 32,16,205,78,253,205,211,253,205,64
 1040 DATA 253,225,209,193,241,195,56,0,237,86
 1050 DATA 225,209,193,241,251,201,1,131,253,237
 1060 DATA 91,126,253,205,165,253,205,180,253,201
 1070 DATA 237,91,126,253,237,75,128,253,62,31
 1080 DATA 187,32,2,14,255,175,187,32,2,14
 1090 DATA 1,186,32,2,6,1,62,23,186,32
 1100 DATA 2,6,255,237,67,128,253,123,129,95
 1110 DATA 122,128,87,237,83,126,253,201,10,10
 1120 DATA 1,255,0,60,66,165,129,165,153,66
 1130 DATA 60,237,91,126,253,205,165,253,229,1
 1140 DATA 131,253,205,200,253,32,8,225,1,0
 1150 DATA 253,205,180,253,201,225,201,122,230,7
 1160 DATA 15,15,15,179,111,122,230,24,246,64
 1170 DATA 103,201,22,8,10,119,36,3,21,32
 1180 DATA 249,201,22,8,126,36,2,3,21,32
 1190 DATA 249,201,22,8,10,3,190,192,36,21
 1200 DATA 32,248,201,237,91,126,253,205,165,253
 1210 DATA 1,0,253,205,190,253,201
 2000 GO TO 1
 9998 STOP 
 9999 SAVE CHR$ 18+CHR$ 1+"SPRITE"+CHR$ 18+CHR$ 0 LINE 30


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