The Crown

Products: The Crown
Developer(s): Brian Walker
Date: 1983
Type: Cassette
Platform(s): TS 2068

A Rogue-like game for the TS 2068.

The Crown has been stolen by an evil wizard! It is up to you, the great adventurer, to restore the Crown to the people of the world in order to protect them from evil forces. This is not an easy task, since the Crown has been hidden somewhere deep within the dungeon.

An adventure game that will keep you traveling through a Medieval Castle, caverns guarded by strange and fearsome creatures such as giant-sized beetles, wild dogs, goblins, skeletons, floating heads, ghouls and an occasional dragon.

Game Play

The game itself is very Rogue-like, in fact somewhat improved over Rogue in some ways as it uses a custom graphical character set, and has custom drawn graphical rooms. As with the entire RPG genre, a good imagination helps.

The game can be used with keyboard or a combination of joystick and keyboard.


The ‘h’ key brings up the help screen for commands. Commands include:

  • q z o p for up, down, left, right
  • a for attack
  • f for fire arrows
  • g for grab treasure
  • d for drink potions
  • i for inventory
  • s to search for secret doors

This program was rescued by Jon Becker.

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