Timex Sinclair Public Domain Library Tape 1007 Download Developer(s): Tim Ward Date: 198x Type: Cassette Platform(s): TS 1000 Assembled by Tim Ward from many sources. Contains programs 10294-10335. Content 1040 FormProgram 5 Card Showdown PokerProgram Asteroid FieldProgram Battle ShipProgram Big MessageProgram Birds Flying SouthProgram BlackjackProgram BowlingProgram Broken Program 1ProgramAppears to print random blocks. Broken Program 2ProgramAppears to accept user input and sketch with it. ChaseProgram CheckersProgram City BombProgram ClockProgram Cosmos LandingProgramYou are in charge of Starship Astron and have just completed a mission in the outer limits of the galaxy. Curse of the Aztec TombProgramYou are faced with the task of exploring a sacred mountain of the Aztecs, in which one of their great DraughtsProgram EarthquakeProgram EdgeProgram Fur TraderProgram Horse RaceProgram Hothouse PlotProgram Jackpot PayoffProgram Line Renumber RoutineProgram LprintProgram Micro MouseProgram Name and Address ProgramProgram Poker GameProgram Psychology TestProgram QuilterProgram Random BoxesProgramMachine language program that prints random sized boxes with random character fills. Random PlotProgram Random SentencesProgram Scrambled WordsProgram Side Scrolling BannerProgram SketchProgram SkiProgram Slalom CourseProgram Slot MachineProgram Star TrekProgram ZXMANProgram Appears On 1040 Form 5 Card Showdown Poker Asteroid Field Battle Ship Big Message Birds Flying South Blackjack Bowling Broken Program 1 Appears to print random blocks. Broken Program 2 Appears to accept user input and sketch with it. Chase Checkers City Bomb Clock Cosmos Landing You are in charge of Starship Astron and have just completed a mission in the outer limits of the galaxy. Curse of the Aztec Tomb You are faced with the task of exploring a sacred mountain of the Aztecs, in which one of their great Draughts Earthquake Edge Fur Trader Horse Race Hothouse Plot Jackpot Payoff Line Renumber Routine Lprint Micro Mouse Name and Address Program Poker Game Psychology Test Quilter Random Boxes Machine language program that prints random sized boxes with random character fills. Random Plot Random Sentences Scrambled Words Side Scrolling Banner Sketch Ski Slalom Course Slot Machine Star Trek ZXMAN Related Products Related Articles Related Content Image Gallery Tags Archived Media, Downloadable, TS 1000 People Tim Ward
Cosmos LandingProgramYou are in charge of Starship Astron and have just completed a mission in the outer limits of the galaxy.
Curse of the Aztec TombProgramYou are faced with the task of exploring a sacred mountain of the Aztecs, in which one of their great
Random BoxesProgramMachine language program that prints random sized boxes with random character fills.