Short program to demonstrate turtle graphics techniques.
Appears on
One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20001 to 20050. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.
Source Code
1 REM "TINY TURTLE" 2 REM By Tim Hartnell ? 3 REM Your Sinclair June 86 20 DEF FN r(x)=x*PI/180 30 LET angle=0 40 INPUT "No. of repeats? ";repeat 50 INPUT "Angle turn to right? ";right 60 INPUT "Steps forward? ";forward 62 INPUT "Step increment? ";incstep 65 INPUT "Clean before drawing (Y/N)? ";a$ 70 IF a$="y" OR a$="Y" THEN CLS : PLOT 127,87 80 FOR a=1 TO repeat 90 LET angle=angle+right 100 LET across=SIN (FN r(angle))*forward 110 LET down=COS (FN r(angle))*forward 120 DRAW across,down 125 LET forward=forward+incstep 130 NEXT a 140 GO TO 40