Triangle To Square

Developer(s): John Bell
Date: 1986
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

Animation morphs from one shape to the other.

Appears on

One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20001 to 20050. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.

Source Code

    1 REM triangle to square
    2 REM By John Bell-May/June  1986 T-S Horizons
  100 DATA 20,4
  105 REM DATA statements contain the coordinates of the PLOT and DRAW statements
  110 DATA 70,40,100,0,0,100,-100,0,0,-100
  120 DATA 70,40,100,0,-50,87,-25,-44,-25,-43
  130 REM set up M/C
  140 GO SUB 520
  160 RANDOMIZE USR 60000: OUT 255,1
  170 RESTORE 100
  180 REM Initalizes variables
  190 READ frames
  200 READ points
  205 LET points=points+1
  210 DIM a(points,2)
  220 DIM b(points,2)
  230 FOR a=1 TO points
  240 READ a(a,1): READ b(a,2)
  250 NEXT a
  260 FOR a=1 TO points
  270 READ b(a,1): READ b(a,2)
  280 NEXT a
  290 REM Makes the "B" array     contain the offset of offset of each PLOT-DRAW point
  300 FOR a=1 TO points
  310 LET b=(b(a,1)-a(a,1))
  320 LET b(a,1)=b/(frames-1)
  330 LET b=(b(a,2)-a(a,2))
  340 LET b(a,2)=b/(frames-1)
  350 NEXT a
  360 REM Draws each frame of the picture
  370 FOR a=1 TO frames
  380 CLS 
  390 PLOT a(1,1),a(1,2)
  400 FOR c=2 TO points
  410 DRAW a(c,1),a(c,2)
  420 NEXT c
  430 OUT 255,0: RANDOMIZE USR 60041: OUT 255,1
  440 REM Changes coordinates for next frame
  450 FOR b=1 TO points
  460 LET a(b,1)=a(b,1)+b(b,1)
  470 LET a(b,2)=a(b,2)+b(b,2)
  480 NEXT b
  490 NEXT a
  500 OUT 255,0
  510 STOP 
  520 REM POKEs M/C
  530 RESTORE 600
  540 LET c=0
  550 FOR a=60000 TO 60052
  560 READ b: POKE a,b
  570 LET c=c+b
  580 NEXT a
  590 IF c<>7805 THEN STOP 
  600 RETURN 
  610 DATA 62,128,243,245,219,255,203,255,211,255,219,244,50,72,238,62,1,211,244,241,205,142,14,62,128,50,194,92,58,72,238,211,244,219,255,203,191,211,255,251,0,33,0,64,17,0,96,1,0,27,237,176,201
 9998 STOP 
 9999 SAVE "ANIM" LINE 1
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