Unknown Game

Date: 198x
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 1000

Appears on

Assembled by Tim Ward from many sources. Contains programs 10252 – 10293.


Unknown Game

Source Code

   1 LET N=0
   2 LET B=501
   3 FOR Z=0 TO 6
   4 PRINT AT Z,0;"%=%=%=%=%=%=%=%=%=%=%=%=%=%=%=%="
   5 NEXT Z
   6 PRINT "% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ","\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~"
   7 LET P=8
   8 LET V=PEEK 16396+256*PEEK 16397
  10 LET B=B-1
  20 IF B=0 THEN GOTO 200
  30 LET P=P-1+(INKEY$="")*2-(P=15)+(P=0)
  40 POKE 120+V+P,151
  50 FOR Z=120+V+P TO V STEP -17
  70 IF PEEK Z=148 THEN GOTO 110
  80 POKE Z,151
  81 POKE Z,128
  90 NEXT Z
 100 GOTO 10
 110 POKE Z,120
 120 LET N=N+1
 130 IF INT (N/112)<>N/112 THEN GOTO 10
 140 GOTO 3
 205 PAUSE 50000
 210 CLS 
 215 RUN 
 220 CLEAR 


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