A machine code program that traces and lists the variables used in a BASIC program.
Appears on
Capital Area Timex Sinclair User Groupโs Library Tape.
One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20083 to 20120. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.
Source Code
10 CLEAR 65194: LOAD "" CODE 65195,173 20 PRINT " To see your variables enter: RAND USR 65195" 30 PRINT "These program lines can be elim-inated, and your own program now loaded." 40 PRINT "Here's an example:" 45 PRINT "Hit enter to continue." 47 PAUSE 4e4 50 LET a=1: LET b=100: LET d$="hello" 60 FOR i=1 TO 5: NEXT i 64 RANDOMIZE USR 65195 65 STOP 100 SAVE "Varslist" LINE 10: SAVE "vars"CODE 65195,173