Build your vocabulary.
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10 CLS : PRINT TAB 10;"VOCABULARY": LET n=0: LET score=n 20 PRINT ,,"Which set of test words would you like to try?" 30 PRINT ,,"1. Words pertaining to families" 40 PRINT "2. Pertaining to heartfelt words" 50 PRINT "3. Words taken from pages of various business publications" 60 PRINT "4. Words chosen from film"'" reviews." 70 INPUT s: IF s<1 OR s>4 THEN GO TO 70 80 IF s=1 THEN RESTORE 280 90 IF s=2 THEN RESTORE 680 100 IF s=3 THEN RESTORE 1080 110 IF s=4 THEN RESTORE 1480 120 CLS 130 FOR a=1 TO 20 140 GO SUB 1880 150 READ a$,b$,c$,d$,e$,f$,g$ 160 PRINT AT 12,0;a$;AT 15,2;" A: ";b$'" B: ";c$'" C: ";d$'" D: ";e$ 170 LET t$=INKEY$ 180 INPUT t$ 190 IF t$=f$ THEN GO SUB 1890: LET score=score+1 200 IF t$<>f$ THEN GO SUB 1910 210 NEXT a 220 CLS : PRINT "Your Score is:"''"Out of 20 questions"''"You had ";score;" right."''"Percentage ";VAL "(score/20)*100";"%" 230 PRINT '''"Your Vocabulary Rating is:";AT 12,0;: IF score>=18 AND score<=20 THEN PRINT " MASTER(exceptional)" 240 IF score>=12 AND score<=17 THEN PRINT "PLAYER(excellent)" 250 IF score>=9 AND score<=11 THEN PRINT "NOVICE(good)" 260 IF score<9 THEN PRINT "Dig out the Dictionary, you need help." 270 PRINT AT 15,0;"Press 'ENTER' to play again.": PAUSE 0: RUN 280 DATA "1. clan--families with","a common ancestor.","warlike tendencies.","aristocratic ancestors.","no common ancestors.","a" 290 DATA "1. clan--A:Family group inter- related through a common ancestor, or by marriage. Scottish-Gaelic clann." 300 DATA "2. spouse","husband or wife.","youngest child.","newlywed.","guardian.","a" 310 DATA "2. spouse--A:Husband or wife. Latin sponsus (bethrothed)." 320 DATA "3. matriach (May tree ark)-- woman who","leads a family.","has many children."," has no wealth.","is physically slight.","a" 330 DATA "3. matriarch--A:Woman who leads her family, tribe, or organiza- tion. Combining forms of Latin matri-(mother)and Greek -arkhos (ruler)." 340 DATA "4. nuptials","birth.","mourning.","engagement parties.","wedding.","d" 350 DATA "4. nuptials--D:Wedding ceremony Latin nubere (to marry)." 360 DATA "5. progenitor(pro JEN uh tur)","leader.","heir.","alien.","ancestor.","d" 370 DATA "5. progenitor--D:Direct ancestoror forefather; originator or founder of something; as, the native language of our pro- genitors. Latin pro-(forth) and gignere(to beget)." 380 DATA "6. sibling","distant relation.","cousin.","brother or sister.","aunt.","c" 390 DATA "6. sibling--C:Brother or sister as, a striking resemblance between siblings. Old English sibb(blood relative)." 400 DATA "7. prince consort","son born out of wedlock.","minor prince.","heraldic shield.","husband of a queen.","d" 410 DATA "7. prince consort--D:Husband of a reigning queen, who himself a prince;as, Prince Phillip is England's prince consort. Latin princeps(ruler) and consors (partner)." 420 DATA "8. primogeniture(pry muh JEN uh chur)--state of being the","youngest family member.","earliest ancestor.","firstborn child.","archive.","c" 430 DATA "8. primogeniture--C:State of being the firstborn child. Also,the right of the eldest son to inherit the property of the parent. Latin primus (first) andgignere(to beget)." 440 DATA "9. cognomen(cog NOH mun)","curse.","name.","tradition.","archive.","b" 450 DATA "9. cognomen--B:Family name; surname;last name. In ancient Rome a citizen's third name indicating his family; as, GaiusJulius Caesar. Latin co-(with) and nomen (name)." 460 DATA "10. filial (FILL ee uhl)--per- taining to","a son or daughter.","family loyalty.","weakest member.","a parent.","a" 470 DATA "10. filial--A:Pertaining to a son or daughter; as, filial love for one's parents. Latin filius (son); filia (daughter)." 480 DATA "11. internecine (in tur NEE sin;in tur NESS'n)","foolhardy.","mutually destructive.","public.","pertaining to intermar- riage.","b" 490 DATA "11. internecine--B:Mutually destructive; as, an internecine struggle for control of a familybusiness. Latin inter-(between) and necare (to kill)." 500 DATA "12. genetics (juh NET iks)-- study of","a child's maturity.","relationships to others.","heredity.","eccentric behavior.","c" 510 DATA "12. genetics--C:Study of heredity and variations in organisms. Greek genesis (birth)." 520 DATA "13. monogamy (muh NOG uh mee)-- state of being married","to one person.","early in life.","late in life.","to several people.","a" 530 DATA "13. monogamy--A:State of being married to only one person at a time; practice of marrying only once during life. Greek mono (one) and -gamy(marriage)." 540 DATA "14. fiance'","divorce'.","widower.","family friend.","engaged man.","d" 550 DATA "14. fiance'--D:The man to whom awoman is engaged to be married. Old French fiance (promise)." 560 DATA "15. uxorious (uk SOR ee us)-- excessively devoted to","parents.","wife.","husband.","children.","b" 570 DATA "15. uxorious--B:Excessively or irrationally fond of one's wife;as,an uxorious husband. Latin uxor (wife)." 580 DATA "16. kindred--pertaining to","gentility.","uniformity.","relatives.","pacts.","c" 590 DATA "16. kindred--C:Pertaining to a person's relatives, especially by blood. Also, having a like nature. Old English cynn (kin) and raeden (condition)." 600 DATA "17. menage (may NAZH)","household.","family black sheep.","family counselor.","male decendants.","a" 610 DATA "17. menage--A:Household; domestic establishment. Old French mesnage (dwelling)." 620 DATA "18. nepotism","selfishness.","generosity.","favoritism.","prudence.","c" 630 DATA "18. nepotisn--C:Favoritism shownto relatives in giving them jobs. Italian nepote (nephew)." 640 DATA "19. consanguineous (con sang GWIN eeus)","insular.","related by blood.","peaceful.","quarrelsome.","b" 650 DATA "19. consanguineous--B: Related by blood or by having the same ancestor; as, Consanguineous marriages are generally forbid- den by law. Latin com-(with) and sanguineus (of blood)." 660 DATA "20. avuncular (uh VUNG kyoo ler)","like an uncle.","foolish.","overly inclined to teach.","quarrelsome.","a" 670 DATA "20. avuncular--A:Like an uncle. Latin avunculus (maternal uncle)Avuncular advice is usually kindly." 680 DATA "1. endearing","long-lasting.","repellent.","lovable.","captivated.","c" 690 DATA "1. endearing--C: Lovable. French en- (cause to be) and dear. She had an endearing manner." 700 DATA "2. enamored (in AM urd)","protected.","embraced.","captivated.","strengthened.","c" 710 DATA "2. enamored--C:Captivated; fascinated; as, He was enamored of her at first sight. French en- (in) and amour (love)." 720 DATA "3. cuddle","to think lovingly of.","bind.","hug tenderly.","bounce playfully.","c" 730 DATA "3. cuddle--C:To hug tenderly; hold lovingly; as, The parents cuddled their baby. Also, to snuggle." 740 DATA "4. coquetry (CO kuh tree)","light humor.","romantic ballad.","cooking skills.","flirtation.","d" 750 DATA "4. coquetry--D:Flirtation inten-ded to attract affection or lovewithout any intention of res- ponding. French coqueter (literally, to strut like a rooster)." 760 DATA "5. chivalrous (SHIV 'l rus)","gallant.","old-fashioned.","enthusiastic.","marriageable.","a" 770 DATA "5. chivalrous--A:Gallant, court-eous, honorable and generous in the tradition of the ideal knight. Old French chevalier (knight). The chivalrous older man charmed all the women in theroom." 780 DATA "6. infatuated (in FACH oo wait id)","peaceful.","pleasantly plump.","secure.","foolishly in love.","d" 790 DATA "6. infatuated--D:Foolishly in love; immoderately affectionate.Latin infatuare (to make a fool of)." 800 DATA "7. ardor","fervor.","pleasant smell.","persuasion.","sincerity.","a" 810 DATA "7. ardor--A:Fervor; emotion of great intensity and warmth. The ardor of love resembled a glow- ing candle. Latin ardor (flame)." 820 DATA "8. radiant","spirited.","influencing.","bright and happy.","enclosing.","c" 830 DATA "8. radiant--C:Bright and happy; expressing joy, love and well- being; as, a radiant expression.Latin radiare (to radiate)." 840 DATA "9. empathy","forgiveness.","compatibility.","sympathetic understanding.","serenity.","c" 850 DATA "9. empathy--C:Sympathetic understanding; the quality of fully sensing and identifying with the feelings and thoughts of another. Greek empatheia (affection)." 860 DATA "10. tryst (trist)","love letter.","rendezvous.","lover's knot.","confidence or faith.","b" 870 DATA "10. tryst--B:Rendezvous; agree- ment between lovers to meet at a set time and place; as, Their tryst took place in the garden. Old French triste (meeting placefor hunters)." 880 DATA "11. enthrall","to hold spellbound.","bring gifts.","provide for another.","make a friendship.","a" 890 DATA "11. enthrall--A:To hold as in a spell; captivate; charm. En- andOld Norse Thraell (slave). Her singing enthralled him." 900 DATA "12. connubial (kuh NEW bee uhl) --pertaining to","well-being.","love potions.","marriage.","cheerfulness.","c" 910 DATA "12. connubial--C:Pertaining to marriage; as, connubial happi- ness. Latin com- (together) and nubere (to marry)." 920 DATA "13. cosset (KOS it)","to whisper.","pamper.","sing softly.","play games.","b" 930 DATA "13. cosset--B:To pamper; coddle;give special attention to; indulge; as, to cosset the one you love. English dialectical cosset (pet lamb)." 940 DATA "14. cordiality","toast to friendship.","response.","sincere graciousness.","informal gathering.","c" 950 DATA "14. cordiality--C:Sincere graciousness, politeness; as, He welcomed us with cordiality. Medieval Latin cordialis (of theheart)." 960 DATA "15. winsome","attractive.","cherubic.","victorious.","encouraging.","a" 970 DATA "15. winsome--A:Attractive; enchanting in appearance and manner. Old English wynsum (pleasant). Her winsome ways enchanted us." 980 DATA "16. magnanimous (mag NAN uh mus)","big-hearted.","splendid.","optimistic.","unprejudiced.","a" 990 DATA "16. magnanimous--A:Big-hearted; noble; forgiving; Latin magnus (great) and animus (mind, soul).The magnanimous doctor treated needy patients without fee." 1000 DATA "17. enraptured","led on.","filled with delight.","soothed.","tongue-tied.","b" 1010 DATA "17. enraptured--B:Filled with intense delight; carried away byjoy; as, enraptured by his bride." 1020 DATA "18. nurture","to overindulge.","entertain.","restore.","care for.","d" 1030 DATA "18. nurture--D:To care for; rearduring a period of development; foster; as, to nurture a relationship. Latin nutrire (to nourish)." 1040 DATA "19. seraphic (suh RAF ik)","angelic.","gentle.","fiendish.","golden.","a" 1050 DATA "19. seraphic--A:Angelic;sublime;pure; as, a seraphic face. Hebrew seraphim (angels of high-est rank)." 1060 DATA "20. inamorata (in am uh RAHT uh)","unforgettable person.","love match.","romantic place.","beloved woman.","d" 1070 DATA "20. inamorata--D:Woman beloved by a man; sweetheart. Italian innamorare (to fall in love)." 1080 DATA "1. course","to search.","scold.","move onward.","direct.","c" 1090 DATA "1. course--C:To move onward; runor move swiftly, as in a hunt orchase; pursue; follow close. ""Rumors course through Wall Street."" Latin cursus, from currere, (to run)." 1100 DATA "2. ramification","problem.","combination.","reinforcement.","consequence.","d" 1110 DATA "2. ramification--D:Consequence; result; outgrowth (literally, a branching); as, a ramificationof the early-closing experiment.Latin ramificare (to branch out)." 1120 DATA "3. medium","means.","mediocrity.","normality.","function.","a" 1130 DATA "3. medium--A:Intermediate means or agency; instrumentality; as, an advertising medium. Latin medium (middle)." 1140 DATA "4. ancillary","important.","near.","similar.","auxiliary.","d" 1150 DATA "4. ancillary--D:Auxiliary; supplementary; subordinate; as, an ancillary product. Latin ancillaris, from ancilla, (maidservant)." 1160 DATA "5. indiscriminate","careful.","random.","partial.","discourteous.","b" 1170 DATA "5. indiscriminate--B:Ramdom; haphazard; failing to weigh merit or value in making a choice; as, indiscriminate buying. Latin in- (not) and discriminare (to seperate)." 1180 DATA "6. retrogressive","moving backward.","harmful.","retarded.","turning about.","a" 1190 DATA "6. retrogressive--A:Moving backward; deteriorating; declin-ing; as, a retrogressive monet- ary policy. Latin retrogradi, (to walk backward)." 1200 DATA "7. windfall","blunder.","calm.","profit.","gale.","c" 1210 DATA "7. windfall--C:Unexpected profitor good fortune. ""The extra dividend was a windfall."" Old English wind and fall-i.e., something blown down by the wind." 1220 DATA "8. equity","credit.","average.","example.","value.","d" 1230 DATA "8. equity--D:Value of a propertybeyond the amount owed on it; as, equity in one's home or business. Latin aequus,(equal)." 1240 DATA "9. lackluster","dull.","fitful.","steady.","obscure.","a" 1250 DATA "9. lackluster--A:Dull; lifeless;lacking brilliance; as, sluggishlackluster trading. Middle English lack and French lustre, (sheen)." 1260 DATA "10. bench mark","exhibition.","reference point.","label.","repute.","b" 1270 DATA "10. bench mark--B:Fixed point ofreference in measurement (actually, a surveying term indicating elevation); as, the bench mark of the year's low prices. Old English bene, (bench) and meare (mark)." 1280 DATA "11. speculate","to falsify.","flounder.","seek.","take a risk.","d" 1290 DATA "11. speculate--D:To take a bus- iness risk in hope of gain; buy or sell stock shares in expect- ation of profiting from market fluctuations; as, to speculate in commodity futures. Latin speculari (to examine)." 1300 DATA "12. retrospect","recollection.","caution.","secret.","esteem.","a" 1310 DATA "12. retrospect--A:Recollection; reflective review of past actions. Viewed in retrospect, the commission has rendered a valuable public service. Latin retrospicere (to look back)." 1320 DATA "13. host","rivalry.","unity.","helping hand.","multitude.","d" 1330 DATA "13. host--D:Multitude; large number; throng; as, a host of restrictive tax rulings. Latin hostis (enemy army)." 1340 DATA "14. assess","to compare.","evaluate.","contrast.","relieve.","b" 1350 DATA "14. assess--B:To evaluate; esti-mate; appraise; judge the merit or value of; as, to assess the needs of the business community.Middle English assessen." 1360 DATA "15. entice","to discourage.","crave.","tempt.","trick.","c" 1370 DATA "15. entice--C:To tempt; lure; as, to entice investors by the promise of quick returns. Old French enticier." 1380 DATA "16. reiterate","to repeat.","expound.","force.","return.","a" 1390 DATA "16. reiterate--A:To repeat; say again and again; as, to reiter- ate a warning. Latin reiterare (to repeat)." 1400 DATA "17. acumen","crispness.","strength.","astuteness.","bitterness.","c" 1410 DATA "17. acumen--C:Astuteness;keenessof intelligence and perception; shrewdness; as, the acumen of a market analyst. Latin acumen (sharp point)." 1420 DATA "18. magnate","judiciary official.","person of rank.","guiding star.","impostor.","b" 1430 DATA "18. magnate--B:Person of rank, influence or importance in a particular field; as, a shippingmagnate. Middle English magnatesfrom Latin magnus (great)." 1440 DATA "19. surfeit","excess.","trifle.","waste.","medical.","a" 1450 DATA "19. surfeit--A:Excessive amount;superfluity; satiety; as, a surfeit of bad news. French surfaire (to overdo)." 1460 DATA "20. fiscal","relating to insurance.","semi-annual.","financial.","medical.","c" 1470 DATA "20. fiscal--C:Financial;pertain-ing to finances of a government or business; as, fiscal irres- ponsibility. Latin fiscus (purse)." 1480 DATA "1. bravura","brilliance.","boastfulness.","bravery.","foolhardiness.","a" 1490 DATA "1. bravura--A:Brilliance;daring;dash; as, the directors's display of bravura. Italian bravare (to show off)." 1500 DATA "2. engrossing","stimulating.","absorbing.","crude.","overwhelming.","b" 1510 DATA "2. engrossing--B:Absorbing; totally holding the attention; as, an engrossing mystery. AngloFrench engrosser." 1520 DATA "3. foible","humorless lie.","trickery.","fencing weapon.","personal weakness.","d" 1530 DATA "3. foible--D:Personal weakness; slight, excusable fault;failing;as, an affectionate view of man's foibles. Old French feble (feeble)." 1540 DATA "4. mayhem","sewing stitch.","pandemonium.","injury by violence.","vengeance.","c" 1550 DATA "4. mayhem--C:Injury by violence;mutilation; crippling; as, an unpleasant amount of mayhem. OldFrench maynier (to maim)." 1560 DATA "5. veritable","measurable.","changing.","endless.","authentic.","d" 1570 DATA "5. veritable--D:Authentic; actual; real; true; as, a veritable masterpiece. Latin veritas, from versus (true)." 1580 DATA "6. annihilate","to undermine.","scatter.","destroy.","wear away.","c" 1590 DATA "6. annihilate--C:to destroy completely; ruin the substance, force or effect of; as to anni- hilate the original story. Latinad- (to), and nihil (nothing)." 1600 DATA "7. evocation","hobby.","re-creation.","occupation.","support.","b" 1610 DATA "7. evocation--B:Imaginative re-creation; act of summoning up; as, a nostalgic evocation of boyhood. Latin evocare (to call forth)." 1620 DATA "8. portrayal","representation.","indication.","deception.","imitation.","a" 1630 DATA "8. portrayal--A:Representation; depiction; an acting out; as, a credible portrayal of a home- spun philosopher. Latin protra- here (to draw forth)." 1640 DATA "9. eerie","abnormal.","weird.","unknown.","evil.","b" 1650 DATA "9. eerie--B:Weird; Frightening because mysterious or unnatural;as, an eerie, disquieting episode. Old English earg (cowardly)." 1660 DATA "10. documentary","introduction.","expose'.","personal narration.","factual film.,","d" 1670 DATA "10. documentary--D:Film based onfactual, documented material;as,a lacerating documentary of the rock singer. Latin documentum (proof)." 1680 DATA "11. buff","barrier.","challenge.","enthusiast.","comedian.","c" 1690 DATA "11. buff--C:Enthusiast; fan; as,a movie buff. From the buff coats of New York City volunteerfiremen, about 1820." 1700 DATA "12. elliptical","cryptic.","straightforward.","shapely.","shapeless.","a" 1710 DATA "12. elliptical--A:Cryptic; deli-berately puzzling or obscure;as,an absurd story not helped by an elliptical script. Greek elleiptikos (defective)." 1720 DATA "13. cacophonous","mournful.","discordant.","harmonious.","distorted.","b" 1730 DATA "13. Discordant; harsh-sounding; as, a cacophonous sound track. Greek kakophonos from kak- (unpleasant) and phone (sound)." 1740 DATA "14. agglomeration","compaction.","adhesion.","jumbled collection.","swelling.","c" 1750 DATA "14. agglomeration--C:Jumbled collection; heap or cluster of dissimilar items; as, an agglo- meration of seven tales. Latin agglomerare (to heap up)." 1760 DATA "15. abstruse","hard to understand.","deviant.","ethereal.","meaningless.","a" 1770 DATA "15. abstruse--A:Hard to compre- hend or understand; deep; pro- found; as, an abstruse explorat-ion of the distressed psyches offour women. Latin abstrudere (to conceal)." 1780 DATA "16. zany","hectic.","colorful.","outrageous.","crazy.","d" 1790 DATA "16. zany--D:Crazy; ridiculous; irrationally ludicrous; as, utterly zany sight and sound gags. Italian zanni (masked clown)." 1800 DATA "17. potent","highhanded.","sharp.","powerful.","competent.","c" 1810 DATA "17. potent--C:Powerful; strong; having force or influence; as, a potent and searing work. Latinposse (to be able)." 1820 DATA "18. satirical","bitter.","mythological.","animated.","sarcastic.","d" 1830 DATA "18. satirical--D:Sarcastic; holding up follies, vices or shortcomings to derision or ridicule; as, a satirical com- ment on the 1960s. Latin stira (topical literary form)." 1840 DATA "19. concoct","to fool.","make up.","hide.","defy.","b" 1850 DATA "19. concoct--B:To make up or prepare from unlikely materials;devise; fabricate; as, to concoct a lurid plot by combin- ing three horror stories. Latin (concoquere (to cook together)." 1860 DATA "20. eminently","outstandingly.","proudly.","lavishly.","conveniently.","a" 1870 DATA "20. eminently--A:Outstandingly; supremely; notably; as, to be eminently qualified for the role. Latin eminere (to stand out)." 1880 PRINT "Pick the answer you think is correct.": PAUSE 50: RETURN 1890 PRINT AT 0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,AT 0,0; FLASH 1;"CORRECT": PRINT '"The answer is:"''g$ 1900 GO TO 1930 1910 PRINT AT 0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,AT 0,0; FLASH 1;"WRONG": PRINT '"TRY AGAIN": INPUT t$: IF t$=f$ THEN GO TO 190 1920 PRINT AT 2,0;"The correct answer is:"''g$ 1930 PRINT #0;"Press 'ENTER' to CONTINUE.": PAUSE 0: CLS : RETURN 1940 REM "vocab" by Paul Allain 260 S. Main St. Gardnr Mass 01440 2000 SAVE "vocab" LINE 1