The Lambda 8300, which was widely available in the States as the PC8300, was a clone of the Sinclair ZX81.
Fred Nachbaur was an ardent supporter of the PC8300 and developed a ROM that made it “90% Timex-compatible.”
Custom adaptation of the Timex/Sinclair 1000 ROM for the Lambda 8300 computer. Adapted by Fred Nachbaur, the replacement EPROM came in a 2764, a 28-pin device (several additional pins were necessary for programming EPROMs). The PC8300 ROM was a 24-pin 8K ROM. In order to fit the replacement EPROM to the PC8300, several pins were
- 16K - Fitting it "Under the Hood"
- A Letter From Fred Nachbaur (concerning the PC8300 "Timex Clone")
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Pieces
- Bits & Pieces
- Bits & Pieces
- Forum
- Incredible Add-On Device Turns TS1000, ZX81 and PC8300 Into Versatile and User Friendly Computers
- Inside the PC 8300
- Letter from John Stewart
- More on the PC8300
- New, News, Views and Reviews
- News From the Dealers
- PC 8300 Interfacing Alert
- PC-8300 Interfacing Alert
- PC8300 - Magic or Madness
- PC8300 Preliminary Technical Report
- PC8300 ROM Upgrade
- Puzzle
- The Musical PC8300
- The PC8300 Computer
- The PC8300: A Clone of the T/S1000, Part 2
- The PC8300: First Thoughts
- Timex 1000 Clone
- Timex 1000 Clone
- Timex 1000 Clone
- Timex Tidbits
- Timex Tidbits
- Timex Tidbits
- Timex Tidbits
- Timex Tidbits
- Timex, Sinclair, and the Clones
- Timex, Sinclair, and the Clones
- Using the PC8300 with 64K RAM Packs
- ZX-81/TS1000 Clone: The PC8300
- ZX81-T/S1000-T/S1500 Clone: The PC8300