Documents the projects Lon Hildreth worked on at Timex. His work included:
- Wrote chapter on initialization in TS2000 Software Architecture
- Did software design of initialization and channels – TS2000 System Software Design Document.
- Implementation/debug of initialization and channels portions resulting in release of TS2068 System ROMs.
- Made several application software cartridges for both production cartridges and demonstration cartridges.
- Wrote Test Spec for Rev. 5.0 of the TS2068 System Software, but decision was made not to update System ROM, so this was dropped. Bugs found in current software while doing this lead to dropping Bank Switching Controller Chip.
- Studied Sinclair microdrive for feasability of implementing Timex Disk Operating System and CP/M.
- Software design of CP/M BIOS for microdrive.