RD Labs RD 8100 brochure

Publisher: RD Laboratories
Pages: 8
Date: 198x

The RD 8100 is a modular interface system capable of performing a wide variety of scientific tasks, when coupled with a Sinclair Computer (ZX 81 and Spectrum). Flexibility and compatability are built into the system, which is simple to program and operate. It is designed with the professional technologist in mind, but its low cost and extendability have made the RD 8100 equally popular in education, and with the home computer enthusiast.

Additional advantages of the system are its portability — it is lightweight, and can be used effectively when remote from a mains supply — and its facility to interface with a standard TV monitor, and the Sinclair Printer.

The RD 8100 has become an indispensable asset to many users engaged in highly diverse fields of research, development and automatic control.


RD Labs RD 8100 brochure

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