Tom Woods NVRAM Board

Author(s): James Brezina
Pages: 2
Pages: 198x

I ordered the NVRAM board from E. Arthur Brown Co. in March of 1987. I didnโ€™t receive it until July 24, 1987. E. Arthur Brown didnโ€™t have any in stock at the time I ordered it, and, after 606 days, they started sending me delay notice cards to send back to them and indicate whether I wanted to cancel or wait for delivery. I decided to wait for delivery. If they had sent me one more card, I would have decided to cancel. I presume the delay was because Tom Woods was redesigning the board. I do not know if E. Arthur Brown will continue to carry the board as their latest catalogue does not list it. If you want to get one, you may have to order direct from Tom Woods. The original NVRAM had 4 8K RAMS on it and a bunch of jumpers for selecting chunks of RAM. The redesigned board has eliminated the jumpers and replaced the 4 8K RAMS with 1 32K RAM. The board has 2 24-pin-sockets on it for the RAMS. One socket is filled with the supplied 32K RAM. The other socket is for expanding the memory to 64k. The suggestion by Tom is to use the additional RAM as EXROM. This is controlled by the EXROM DOCK switch on the board.

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