- Ask Mannie
- Astro-Sinclair Fans Sought
- CATS Community Contribution Continues with Computer Class
- CATS Have Picnic Caper
- Cincinnati Midwest Computerfest a Sinclair Smash
- July Meeting
- Letters to the Editor
- Look Skyward, Stranger
- Manny's Q and A Session
- Manny's Q and A Session
- May CATS Meeting
- Music with MIDI
- Point of View: It's a Bad Idea, Now or Anytime
- Program Introduction
- Programming Tips for the 2068
- QL (Quantum Leap) Computers Put Together, Dissected at CATS Meeting
- Sarah Fisher on the Internet
- SCLD Status
- Sinclair Computerfest-II Coming Next May
- Swat Team Descents Upon Tacoma Institute
- The TS1000-to-TS2068 Leap
- Tom Robbins on Quanta
- U. Md. Greets H.S. Programmers
- Why I Belong to CATS
- Winter Winds Make CATS Hot