David was editor of The Data Expansion, the newsletter of the Timex/Sinclair Users Group of Fort Worth, Texas. He is also a carpenter who builds furniture, cabinetry and more.
In the August 1987 issue of The Data Expansion, David described using his Timex/Sinclair 2068 and ARTWORX “for figuring out ‘shop drawings’ for the pieces that need to be glued up and cut from solid wood or plywood. This is an essential part of figuring out the best way to produce the most from the least amount of wood. It also helps to figure out the difficult spots that I might come across in the building process.”
He also used “OMNICALC2 … for figuring out the cost factors, profit margins, labor costs, and overhead charges. It also helps to keep a check on the figures that І need to know from my suppliers as to the cost of lumber per hundred board feet and the ‘break’ that you get from buying over the one hundred board feet figure. I also keep figures on the number of pieces of plywood necessary for each piece that I produce and the time it should ordinarily take. Оf course, І also use it for keeping track of all of the necessary figures for the accountant that I use at ‘tax time’.”