- A ZX/TS Celebration in Boston
- Account Balance
- Address Update
- Another Use
- Baton - Clear Text
- Binary Demo
- Bridge Anyone?
- Caveat Emptor
- Chequered Flag
- Color Video on a Black and White Video Display?
- Golf Scorecard
- Groucho: A Graphic Adventure for the Spectrum
- Interest
- Is Anyone Out There Still Selling Great Software for the ZX81, TS1000, TS1500?
- Magazine Program Modification
- Now You Can Draw on the Screen with a Panda Pad
- Paint or Paint II, an update
- Pinball Wizard
- Print Darker with Your 2040 and T/S 2068 Computer
- Quickie Checkbook
- Spectext
- T/S Entrepreneurs
- Tracer
- You Can Do It! Program Writing