Date: February 1988
- Editor's NoteLots of stuff again this month!! Our best program ever CONFLICT is in the line up this month… then there is also PACHIZEE and SOLITAIRE, two board games… also MUSIprint, a music utility that is both TS2068 and SPECTRUM compatible, plus a MUSIC DEMO to show you how it works… WEIRD BALLS, a great shoot’em…
- LARKEN Disk InterfaceA few months ago, Larry Kenny of LARKEN ELECTRONICS called us to let us know about his new disk interface. We talked for a while and decided we’d give it a try. Boy, this has to be the best thing that ever happened to the TS2068. The interface is fast, reliable and quite inexpensive. The…
- CONFLICTGuide BOUNCER through the evil land of GALNA. Find MAGIC PILLS to increase your fire power. Survive by avoiding and destroying GALNA’s guards then find GALNA and destroy him! To reset the game press SYMBL SHIFT + A [STOP]. Features the BEST GRAPHICS EVER and the now famous 3-WAY JOYSTICK SYSTEM! Loading name CONFLICTProgram type…
- PACHIZEEThe object of the game is to move all 4 of your pieces to the safety zone. The game is played with 1 die. A 5 allows you to place a piece in the starting position. Move your pieces by pressing keys 1 to 4 depending on the piece you want to play. The first…
- MUSIprintThis music utility will allow you to play music using the LPRINT (PRINT #3) command. A typical example of how this command is used is: LPRINT “t10 o3 -c1 b+1 +a-2 p3” The “t” stands for TEMPO, this can be between 0 (fast) and 50 (slow). The “o” stands for OCTAVE, this can be between…
- MUSIC DEMOThis program will play 5 musics. Just press A-E to select the music. Break the program and look around in the lines 1000-5999 to see how MUSIprint works. You’ll be surprised of what it can do. Loading name MUSIC DEMOProgram type Demo for MUSIprintWritten by Eric & Kris Boisvert
- WEIRD BALLS (ASTRO II)Shoot everything that moves!!! Don’t let them pass you by or you’ll lose points. Features the famous 3-WAY JOYSTICK SYSTEM! Loading name WEIRDBALLSProgram type Arcade gameWritten by Eric Boisvert
- LOTTOThis program will choose random number selections. You can define how many numbers in a selections and between what numbers. The Menu 1- Choose number selections. The first thing you have to enter is between what number the computer has to choose from (15-99). Second, you have to enter how many numbers per selections (1-10).…
- WATER BALLOON MASTERSYou have heard of shoot’em up games? Well, how about a splash’em down game? Yes, a major breakthrough in computer technology has brought us this weird game!!! All you have to do is to open your hand and let go of the balloon! The faster the pedestrians (notice Eric is one of them, go get…
- HELLO!This utility is used as a boot program for the LARKEN LKDOS cartridge (ALL CARTRIDGES!) To transfer the program to disk use LIST 9999 and change the name to whatever you want it to be and RUN 9999. You should also put an AUTOSTART file on the disk, to do this, after saving HELLO!, enter…
- SOLITAIREThe object of the game is to clear the board leaving only one piece in the center. You move pieces sideways from left to right or vice-versa and diagonally (either up or down) always jumping over another piece and always landing in a vacant spot. The ‘jumped’ piece is taken off the board until you…
- Review: Larken Disk Interface
- User Group Deal
- Conflict
- Pachizee
- MUSIprint
- Music Demo
- Weird Balls
- Lotto
- Water Balloon Masters
- Hello!
- Solitaire!