Date: October 1983
Volume: 1
Issue: 7
Sinclair User's Group CelebrationInvitation to the Boston Computer Society event.
- From the Editor
Game Playing on the T/S 2068: Chess ReviewTS 2068 Software review Review of Chess from Timex.
ROM Character RepresentationTS 1000 Tutorial about how character patterns are stored in the BASIC ROM.
The Mysterious Moving CursorTS 1000 Type-in program Short code for impementing a menu item cursor.
The Visible SortTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial and demonstration program for sorting data.
Notes from the Newsletter Exchange CommitteeUpdates on articles published in other user group newsletters.
Organized Program DevelopmentTutorial on developing new programs, including flow charting.
Customizing Z-TextTS 1000 Type-in program Adding features to the Z-Text word processor.