Extensions issue 3

Issue: 3


  • Dealing with a bug in the sort routing
    First lets deal with a bug I found in the machine code sort routine. There is one situation when this routine will lock up the computer. If you sort by a line which will in some cases be the last line of the file and in other cases will not AND the line you sort
  • Save more memory by using more variables
    We will use H = 2, K = 10, Q = 32, and R = 256. All these are added to line 9996.
  • Cursor wrap when editing files
    The cursor always appears in the top left hand corner when editing so if to want to edit data in the lower right corner you must do a lot of cursor movement. This routine allows you to move from the top line to the bottom by moving the cursor UP and from the left side
  • Make duplicate files
    If you will be making a lot of new files which will have some information identical to each other, here is a way to make just one and then duplicate it as often as you wish.
  • Reverse sort order for normal printing
    There are many situations where you want the last name listed first for alphabetizing purposes, but would prefer any printout to be in normal order. The next routine will allow you to print out any name on the first line in either order you prefer. The screen will not change and your files will be
  • SUM routine
    I needed a different type of routine for number crunching instead of the TALLY routine. Basically, I needed an entire line to be treated as one value instead of half and half, and 1 needed some of the answer printed out if necessary. The following is the result. I call it the SUM routine and
  • Change the way data is saved
    I Kind of hate to say this, but I’m going to change the way we save data only. There are several reasons for this. First, it insures better compatibility with any changes Tom Woods may come up with because the order of the main variables will be restored to their original status. Second, it will
  • PRO/FILE in Spectrum mode
    If you purchased a Spectrum emulator like myself you may prefer to use PRO/FILE in Spectrum mode. I use the ROM Switch but I assume this should work with any emulator or a regular Spectrum. If you have added Sinclair microdrives, I have added routines for their use as well. I use them regularly and
    Two lines need fixing in this issue of Extensions #3. If you use the new data save in this issue, you must also change line 1080 (I left it out, sorry). If you don’t make this correction, you will be able to edit the file which says “SEARCH IS COMPLETE” which will cause all kinds
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