Extensions issue 4

Issue: 4


  • TALLY or a SUM search on any line you select
    When I was limited to one line, I made little use of the SUM routine and no use of TALLY. Now I can set up a file for each of my products which I sell in a year. Each line could represent a different month’s sales and by searching and calculating the appropriate line I
  • Name Reverse Routine Update
    You may also prefer to have the name reverse routine operate on a line different from line 1. Any change on this must become a permanent change in the program unlike the previous improvement which allows a selection process.
    Here’s a little item which doesn’t seem very useful at first, but 1Irefer to it all the time now. In the first file (the one that says “SEARCH IS COMPLETE”) I added a second line that holds 8 characters for the date such as 12/25/85. Any 8 characters (or less) can be used. When a
  • Combining Files
    Combining files is another of those routines which can change the way you approach PRO/FILE. In my case, I have lists of band music for Georgia. There are 6 lists, but there is only enough room in the program for 2 at a time. Originally I had one file containing lists 1 and 2, another
  • Paste AT
    The following changes allow you to input a set number of characters (up to 32) which will be added to a file in any position at the press of two keys (symbol shift and “I” which results in “AT”).
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})() ;;; ;(function(){ })()