Volume: 1
Issue: 4
- Editor's Notes
- Chicago Area FIDO Network
- Build a Spectrum ROMswitching Circuit for Your TS-2068
- PRINT or LPRINTEach new book І have bought on the TS 2068 has taught me quite a bit about programming on the computer. The things I have learned lately on the keyword PRINT are quite interesting. The latest book I purchased, “Introduction to 2068 Machine Language” by Dr. Lloyd Dreger, explained quite a bit about it. Many…
- Timex Sinclair Pubs Update
- Telecomm Guide Premiers at Computer Fest
- My Report of the T/S Fest '87My wife Heddy and І arrived in Indianapolis at 5:30PM local time on Friday May ist after an uneventful USAir flight from Los Angeles. The Holiday Inn North’s airport bus arrived in about 25 minutes to take us to the hotel. The accommodations seemed to be very nice. The pre-festival banquet began at 8:00PM and…