Volume: 8
Issue: 6
- The Graphics KitReview of Graphics Kit, available from Softsync.
- Micros In ResearchGeorge Gander, professor of pathology at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, uses a Timex-Sinclair and his own hardware/software to gather research data and plot it.
- The Power of User's GroupsSouthwestern Sinclair User’s Group, a 2800-member organization, is headed by 16 yr old John Brown, Jr.
- Computers Search for Real E.T.sAmateur SETI researchers describe their search. Some use Timex Sinclair computers.
- Holiday Shoppers' GuideSinclair ZX81 among the computers listed.
- Moving GraphicsProduct announcement for Double Breakout from Softsync.
- Software Update: Moving GraphicsDouble Breakout from Softsync.
- Engineers Get Personal With ComputerEngineers and scientists adopt personal computers to replace mainframe time and expense. One GE engineer purchased a Sinclair ZX80 but found it unsuitable.
- The ZX81: Upgraded Computing Power
- The Man Behind the ZX81
- Hardware HotlinesOnline communities support computer users. Joe Newman, student at Bernard Baruch College and dealer, talks about the 1000, 2068. Joe Newman, 19, a student at Bernard Baruch College, chose his Sinclair back in the “glory days” when the company was producing machines at a clip of one every 10 seconds. The Timex/Sinclair was the first…
- More Computer Muscle To Power The MachineUpgrades for home computers. Memotech 64k RAM mentioned for Sinclair. Memotech listed in Memory Buyers’ Guide on pg 89.
- Book Reviews: Byteing Deeper Into Your Timex/Sinclair 1000
- A Sampling of Diet and Fitness ProgramsPersonal Weight Control Program from International Publishing and Software for the TS 1000 listed, desccribed.
- Book Review: Your Timex/Sinclair 1000 and ZX81
- The New Sound of Computerized MusicUsing your computer to compose and perform music. Micro-Music (Data-Assette) and Composer (Kopak Creations) listed in buyer’s guide.
- Letter: Using a ZX-81 for home control
- Timex/Sinclair 1000: Programs, Games and GraphicsBook review.
- Book Reviews: Timex/Sinclair 1000 Programs, Games and Graphics
- Computer Clubbers 'Never Say Die'Users of obsolete computer gather on CompuServe. Timex/Sinclair is still represented, messages discuss using Sinclair hardware for robotics.
- Secretary's Notepad
- RAMDISK for Phillip
- More QXL Notes
- Sinclair ZX-81
- Letters: The Sinclair ZX81Writer assembled ZX81 from a kit and it did not work; claims it was a model for France. Nigel Searle assured writer it was meant for US and offered to repair it free of charge.
- Your Own Computer: $100 to $500Round up of options in this price range. Includes ZX81.
- What-If SoftwareIntroduction/overview of spreadsheet software. Mentions VU-Calc.
- Gadgets and GizmosAdd-ons for your computer. Section about the 1000.
- Entry-Level ComputersIf you want to learn about computers and programming, but are not interested in paying a large price to own your own system, take a look at some of these “entry-level” computers. For learning purposes, they offer a value that is hard to beat. Includes Timex Sinclair 1000.
- Microsync offers Timex/Sinclair maintenance planProduct announcement of service plan for ZX81 and 1000.
- New Products: ExpansionsProduct announcement for Memotech Keyboard, Memocalc, Memotext and Memopak Assembler.
- Expand Your Timex/Sinclair Operating SystemExpansion card with 8K of battery-backed CMOS RAM in the 8-16K range. Part two.
- Expand Your Timex/Sinclair Operating SystemExpansion card with 8K of battery-backed CMOS RAM in the 8-16K range. Part one.
- New Products: Expansion InterfaceProduct announcement for T1000 interface from Wisconsinc Electronics. Device offers 4 parallel I/O ports and 32K of memory.
- New Books: The Timex-Sinclair 1983 DirectoryShort overview of the E. Arthur Brown book.
- Your Own Computer: Under $500
- Letter: Nonvolatile-Memory NotesFollow-up to article on Hunter RAM board.
- Letter: Short ProgramBrief code snippet for printing on the last two lines of the screen.
- Interfacing the ZX81, Part 2The ZX81 (or Timex Sinclair 1000) computer can be turned into a very powerful machine. Article discusses interfacing a clock/calendar chip, temperature indicator, light controller and heater controller.
- Interfacing the ZX81The ZX81 (or Timex Sinclair 1000) computer can be turned into a very powerful machine. Article discusses interfacing a clock/calendar chip, temperature indicator, light controller and heater controller.
- Computer Corner: You've never tried a personal computer?Discusses various personal computers, including Timex/Sinclair 1000.
- Letters: Sinclair LivesWriter reports that Sinclair community is alive and well.
- Interfacing the ZX81, Part 4The ZX81 (or Timex Sinclair 1000) computer can be turned into a very powerful machine. Article discusses interfacing National Semiconductor’s Digitalker chip.
- Hobby CornerWhether RE should cover computers. Recommends reader purchase Timex Sinclair 1000 as an inexpensive experimenter’s tool.
- Interfacing the ZX81, Part 3The ZX81 (or Timex Sinclair 1000) computer can be turned into a very powerful machine. Article discusses interfacing a clock/calendar chip, temperature indicator, light controller and heater controller.
- Letters: Home Control ComputerMinotaur Engineering has developed a BSR interface for the Timex/Sinclair 1000.
- Letters: Interfacing the ZX81Interfacing using a variety of relays.
- Letters: ZX81 Owners Alive and WellThanks for publishing supporting articles.
- Letters: Learning From Timex/SinclairLetter writer considers owning ZX81 and TS 1000 educational.
- Letters: ApplauseApplauding publication of Timex/Sinclair 1000 construction articles.
- Letters: Music MakersRequests an article about interfacing a DAC to a 16K Timex Sinclair 1000 for the purpose of driving older, non-MIDI synthesizers.
- Ask R-E: Timex RobotCorrespondent wants to make a robot with his Timex Sinclair 1000 and include the 2040 printer.
- Today's Personal Computers: Products for Every Need - Part IIComputers from Altos to Sinclair ZX-80.