Date: Fall 1988
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
- Newsletter Starts 2nd Year
Pixel Print Has Electronic HomeDescribes special interest group (SIG) area on local bulletin board system.
Happy Anniversary... now back to workUpdates and announcements.
Pixel Print ProjectsTS 2068 Adding selectable LOAD and SAVE to Pixel Print.
Quick TipsTS 2068 Using bank switching to boldface text; faking italics.
3 Column Plus!TS 2068 Producing three column layouts.
Reviews: Looking Good in Print, Bingham's Best+TS 2068 Review of a desktop publishing book and software from Paul Bingham.
To be ... or not to be?TS 2068 Editorial about the state of the Timex/Sinclair 2068.
Tech Talk: Pixel Print ProfessionalTS 2068 Highlights of features.
Ideas to Make the Pixel Print Program Work Better for YouTS 2068 Reviews Steve Spalding’s Personal Calendar Plus and Masthead Package #2.
16 Point Font Pack and the MEGA Font PackTS 2068 Product announcement.
Get the RAID!TS 2068 Small patch to correct a small bug in Pixel Print Plus.
Users & UsesTS 2068 Notes about how Dale Lofall, Dennis Silvestri,Matt Kiddoo and Mike Felerski use Pixel Print.
Practical Bank-Switching, Part 2TS 2068 Type-in program Short routine to copy a Pixel Print column from HOME bank to DOCK bank.