Pro/file Updates v1 n1

Date: January 1984
Volume: 1
Issue: 1


  • A Hearty Welcome!
    Welcome to Pro/file Updates! Charter subscribers are members of a very exclusive group, indeed: 123 people world-wide. Keep the faith, numbers will grow–especially if you tell your friends about ZX PRO/FILE. This newsletter is going to provide you with modifications and ideas to make ZX PRO/ FILE serve you better. A heavy slant will lean
  • A Mystery Arises
    Some people report bugs in ZX PRO/FILE such as report-4 (out of memory) errors, report-5 (not enough room on screen) errors, and during SAVEs, some report that the computer goes ape. All problems exhibit a shocking degree of non-uniformity except for one thing: 16K Memotech RAM packs were used in every case. I have tested
  • New Uses Dept.
    Jim Cripps of Central Islip, NY has compiled a large foreign language translation data base using ZX PRO/FILE. His family uses it to improve their language skills in any of the five different languages held in the program. For each word, a two line file is created. The first line holds the initial of the
  • Pro/File 2068?
    Sadly, ZX PRO/FILE will not work on the new TS2068 without a substantial re-write of the machine code. Even general concepts must be changed. Watch for a 2068 version in 6-8 months. By necessity, it will be accompanied by an entirely new text as well
  • Glaring Omissions Dept.
    Far and away, the most common problem experienced by ZX PRO/FILE owners is enlarging the DS array to make use of a larger memory pack. It seems that the dummy who wrote the book was so concerned with getting the program lines on page 42 printed correctly that he completely forgot to tell you to
  • Byte-Back Printer Interface
    Al Rapp of Blowing Rock, NC writes: I am using the RS-232 board in my Byte-Back modem and Byte-Back’s printer driver program to drive my Star DP8480 serial printer. I can copy the whole screen by using USR 8347 at line 3020 of PRO/FILE but I can’t select lines to be printed.
  • The Incredible "Not" Search
    These changes allow ZX PRO/FILE to perform “NOT” searches. This is equivalent to printing all files EXCEPT the word you input as a search command. PRO/FILE’s builtin multi-word search mode is used in this routine. The computer searches all files for a match to the first word. If one is found, it then scans the
  • Program Changes and Data Capacity: A Symbiotic Relationship
    Memory space in a computer — regardless of how much you have plugged in — is allocated for certain jobs. Two major sections of memory that concern ZX PRO/FILE are the program area of memory and the variables area. When PRO/FILE runs, all files are stored in the variables area. With 16K attached, the files
  • Stringy Floppy Notes
    If you use a CAI Stringy Floppy for high speed program saves, you’re not alone if you tried unsuccessfully to adapt PRO/ FILE to work with this device. With the help of Don Bernath in Michigan, Peter Danes in New York, Jim Benedict of Miss., Lionel Barthelemy of Alabama, and Frank Finkelstein of New York,