Pro/file Updates v1 n3

Date: July 1984
Volume: 1
Issue: 3


  • After the Fall...
    Bill Jones of Panama City, FL sent an interesting note. He says, “UPDATES has the potential of being a National Newsletter for Sinclair Computer Information. Looking further down the road, UPDATES could be a vehicle to start up a National Sinclair Computer Club.” Funny you should mention that, Bill. While UPDATES is definitely not ever
  • Pro/File Works with COMPUSA Disk Drives Too
    Last issue there was an extended modification to run “ZX” with the AERCO disk drives. This time, Steve Cottrell of Allen Park, MI sends his modification to run the program on the COMPUSA disk drive.
  • ZX Pro/File Sails the Seven Seas...
    D.A. Diemand, HMC, USN writes, “I’m using Pro/File aboard ship with great success keeping track of the dental status of 278 personnel.”
  • And Speaking of Water....
    Peter G. Govus reports that his West Paterson, NJ home was flooded by 4 feet of water not long ago. At the bottom of the drink was his T/S 1000. When the waters subsided, Govus put the air blower to his soggy machine. As soon as the thing was dried out he powered it up,
  • New Light on the Memotech Memory Mystery
    In UPDATES No. 1, I noted that several people experienced unusual behavior of their computers when the Memotech 16K RAM pack was used to expand capacity to 32K. Bill Russell of Winky Board fame sheds some light on this common problem and gives a possible cure.
  • Glaring Errors Dept.
    In “Upgrading to Larger Memories Without Losing Data” (page 6, vol. 1, no. 1) step 7 of the instructions was incorrect.
  • How to Connect Pro/File to a 32K RAM Pack
    To run a 32K version of “ZX”, follow these instructions.
  • Additional Selections from the Display Options Menu
    Add these lines to Pro/File to eliminate many tedious unnecessary key presses. They incorporate into “ZX” much of the flexibility found in the new Pro/File 2068 program.
  • Speedload and "ZX"
    If you own SPEEDLOAD, a fastloader put out by Intercomputer, Inc., you’ll be interested in this modification made by Alfred Revzin of Elmsford, NY.
  • The Idiot's Idiot Line
    Despite the safeguards built into ZX Pro/ File, I have managed to erase by mistake two pages of data. Consequently, I devised this Idiot’s idiot line.
  • Editing the Asterisk
    When I initiate a search for “*”, I find I am unable to EDIT the first file called up. This does not occur on subsequent files or if the search is for another item. Is there something I am overlooking?
  • George Erickson's Ultimate Loading Solution: Batteries
    UPDATES has devoted considerable space to improving loading speed convenience and dependability. Disk drives, stringy floppies, and fast load-type programs all contribute greatly to these critical factors. George Erickson, a manufacturer’s representative for Canon micro floppy drives, hard disks, and other computer equipment, uses ZX PRO/FILE to maintain his sales data. Since last November, his
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