Pro/file Updates v1 n4

Date: October 1984
Volume: 1
Issue: 4


  • Accelerated Saving with ZXLR-8
    ZXLR-8 is a program that speeds loading and saving time with the ZX/TS. You can use it with Pro/File to typically load a 16K program in about 30 seconds. If you use a disk drive, there is no comparison in speed between ZXLR-8 and the disk. However, ZXLR-8 can do a lot of things the
  • And the Winner Is...
    SET LISTS! We have a little country western band and we play for dances in our local Austin Texas area. I put every song we do in Pro/File complete with its key, who sings it, key changes, and type (walz, two step, etc.). When it comes time to play a gig, I go in and
  • Blink Eliminator
    This modification changes the computer to the SLOW mode for data entry. Being a very short program addition, I did not reDIM DS downward for more room and have had no trouble. Some readers may want to just in case.
  • Goof-Proof Line Editing
    How many times have you been adding or editing a file and suddenly found yourself face to face with the program listing without knowing why or how you got there? This annoying occurrence is caused by accidentally pressing the BREAK key while the edit cursor is blinking. If you’re not paying attention, the results can
  • Important Pro/File 2068 Note
    If you purchased a copy of PRO/FILE 2068 and you’re wondering why you haven’t received a copy of the manual yet, its because the book is still not finished. I have been very busy of late and have not been able to devote the time needed to complete it.
  • Pro/File Basic Add/Edit Routines
    How many times have you been adding or editing a file and suddenly found yourself face to face with the program listing without knowing why or how you got there? This annoying occurrence is caused by accidentally pressing the BREAK key while the edit cursor is blinking. If you’re not paying attention, the results can
  • Q-Save on the TS1500
    I use a Timex 1500 which I got to replace my 1000 so that I might continue to use the programs and accessories I purchased for the TS1000. I was dismayed to find that my Q-SAVE would not work with the 1500. A letter to the importer brought the answer that the two were just
  • Time and Date Enhancement
    Here is a little additional code which allows for inputting the time and date so that immediately upon loading you can tell when your last access to the program occured. (I did this because I am basically a disorganized person and sometimes pick up the wrong version of my Pro/File tape to work on.)
  • Updates Updates
    Our little newsletter is growing up. Not in numbers of pages or in circulation but content. This issue is the first one where the majority of topics covered was provided by you–not me. For this, I thank you. It makes my job as editor one heck of a lot easier when I don’t have to
  • Use Pro/File to Document Your Programs
    A use for Pro/File I haven’t seen mentioned is on a backup computer with 16K–printer optional–as an index of variables while “composing” a program. I’m sure we’ve all had the fustration of being interrupted from programming by calls to food or bed from sheer exhaustion, and then have to back track for hours in order
  • What's New for Volume Two
    Volume 1 ends with this issue. For all but a tiny handful who have already renewed for next year, its time to sign up for volume 2. Its the same old price ($9.95) for the same great subject matter. Next issue, I have a modification that adds math capability to Pro/File. I also hope to
  • Z80 Chip Replacement Update
    Many readers reported that last issue’s suggestion to replace the Z80 microprocessor chip inside the computer to solve unexplained crashing problems works. Tom Bent, the illustrious editor of SyncWare News suggests that the Z80B processor chip is a much beefed up version of the Z80A. It costs a little more, but is able to handle
  • ZX Pro/File and the Law
    As the Technician In Charge for the Illinois State Police, District 11, I use the Pro/File to perform: I’m also a volunteer ESDA (Civil Defence) director for our city and use the file system for work list schedules, emergency calls, inventory of supplies, and mailing labels. The TS computer is a powerful tool in my
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