Pro/file Updates v2 n1

Date: January 1985
Volume: 2
Issue: 1


Title Description Computers
TS1000 and ZX81 Parts Available As our lowly ZX computers fade into the setting sun, die-hards among our ranks have expressed concern over where to find replacement computers and parts. For the time being, ZX81 computers, power supplies and parts (ULA’s, ROM’s circuit boards, etc.) can be obtained from Thomas W. Laffin. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Special Number Cruncher Issue In keeping with a promise made long ago, I now have added math Capabilities to ZX Pro/File’s repertoire. Read all about it inside. This modification really changes the face of Pro/File the file manager, turning it into a completely different program. I am anxious to hear what new applications arise from it. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Good News for TS1500 Owners! Many readers interested in using ZXLR-8, the fast load program described in the last issue, but who are discouraged to learn that it won’t work in their TS1500 computers will be pleased to learn that Joseph C. Woyak of Appleton, Wisconsin got his ZXLR-8 program running in his 1500. He pulled out the 8K ROM Timex/Sinclair 1500
More on Q-Save in the 1500 Since my last tip on using QSAVE with the Timex 1500 (see Updates vol. 1, #4), it seems I may not be the only one out here with such a set-up. If that is the case, others might be interested in modifying the QSAVE program so as to allow its use with the 1500 and Timex/Sinclair 1500
Pro/File Sings at the Tabernacle From Bill Hall, Laurel, MD: One of my duties as Minister of Music for the Tabernacle is to compile a schedule of all volunteer help during our Sunday morning services. This involves seven different areas of ministry and as many as ten individuals per area. Conflicts of scheduling this large group of people led us Timex/Sinclair 1000
Field Labels Anyone? Myles Cohen from New York uses the ADD modification given in UPDATES vol. 1, #3, to simulate “labels” such as those used in old, outmoded and obsolete data base programs like Vu-File. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Display Options Fix In Updates number 3, the “Additional Selections from the Display Options” enhancement on page 4 screws up the “RETURN” function. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Compusa Disk Fix I, too, have a Compusa Disk system for my TS 1500. I use a different method to save to disk which allows me to save to tape if I want to. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Number Crunching "ZX" It’s not often that a short piece of new programming can add a whole new dimension to a program, but that’s what happens with this mod. Pro/File the file manager turns into Pro/File the accounts manager with this hot little ditty. Once you add it, you can keep a running total of numbers that you Timex/Sinclair 1000
The Beat Me, Kick Me, Abuse Me, But This is Too Much Dept One fellow whose name shall remain annonymous wrote, “can you teil me how to extend the VU-FILE to 64K?” Try POKE 16396,255NEW Timex/Sinclair 1000
Changing RAMTOP Without "NEW" Those of us who use 64K RAM on our ZX81/TS1000 must poke RAMTOP and execute NEW before loading large programs. This can also be done by a short machine code routine added to the high-speed loader programs like ZXLR-8 described in previous UPDATES. Timex/Sinclair 1000
A Splendid Idea! Suggestion to add spellchecking to ZX Pro/File Timex/Sinclair 1000
A&J Micro Drive Replaces the CAI Stringy Floppy The A&J Micro Drive is the “new and improved” version of the old CAI ESF stringy floppy, a very high speed tape device which approaches the speed and flexibility of disk drives but at a price of only about $150. Timex/Sinclair 1000
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