SIN n1 Aug 1985

Date: August 1985
Issue: 1


  • Sinclair News
    Updates about Sinclair, the new 128K ZX Spectrum, the new QL.
  • The Stuff of 2068
    Short tips about programming the TS 2068.
  • Taswide
    Review of Taswide, a program that lets programmers use the 64-column mode of the TS 2068.
  • White Lightning
    Review of the game development program that supported 255 sprites and was programmed in FORTH.
  • Compass
    Review of the BASIC compiler from JRC Software..
    Review of the hardware product from G. Russell Electronics that lets the user switch between ZX Spectrum and TS2068 ROMs.
  • Program: R-Header
    Loading a program on a TS 2068 usually takes place in two parts: the header and the program/code/array. This program is a utility that allows you to read the header without loading the program.
  • Program: Graphics
    Four short programs that draw graphic designs.
  • Program: Mastermind
    Implementation of the guessing game.
  • Sources of Information
    Companies and newsletters.
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