Date: October 1985
Issue: 3
Sinclair NewsNews of Sinclair’s potential sale to Robert Maxwell; news about the QL; and availability of the Timex Computer 2068 from Zebra Systems.
Premier Rencontre Avec Le QL (First Meeting With The QL)QL Short overview of the Sinclair QL and its features.
Programme: LOTOTS 2068 Type-in program Program to generate numbers for the 6/36 and 6/49 lotteries.
Spectrum ROM -> 2068 ROMTS 2068 Table mapping addresses of ZX Spectrum ROM routines to their locations in the TS 2068 ROMs.
Programme: PuzzleTS 2068 Type-in program Short program for the TS2068.
Programmes: Caracteres Alternatifs (2068)TS 2068 Type-in program Three programs for alternate characters for the TS 2068.
Les Bugs du 2068 (The Bugs of the 2068)TS 2068 Describes several bugs in the 2068 ROM.
Programme: Sphere 3DTS 2068 Type-in program Downloadable Short program to plot a 3D sphere.
Stuff 2068TS 2068 Type-in program Short note about redirecting PRINT output to the printer with OPEN #2,”p”.
Programme: Copie de CassetteTS 2068 Type-in program Short program to make cassette copies with the 2068.