Date: November/December 1985
Volume: 3
Issue: 6
- String input and use of LINEHow to use LINE with INPUT.
- Bob's Notebook: QuicksortQuicksort; title line in display; machine code with examples.
- Tape Amplifier for Loading Weak TapesCircuit diagram for an op-amp based signal booster.
- Text ManipulationsFour routines to display text in interesting ways.
- SincBitsUpdates on Larken DOS (EPROM); RAMEX Amdek III disk system; Spectrum and QL accessories and improvements.
- ZX81 News & ResourcesNote about a bug in the AERCO CP2.2 ROM. Report on the John Oliger TMS9918 Video Upgrade.
- Telecomputing, Part 3Instructions on using the TS 2068 and TS 2050 to connect to Compuserve. Mention of Loader IV by Kurt Casby for sending machine code and Tasword files.
- Larken Disk Controller for the TS 2068Brief overview/review of the controller board.
- Modem Woes, Telecom TreatsUser experienced problems with 2050 modem, Anchor Automation repaired unit. Mentions using MINI XMOD to transfter files.