Date: July/August 1990
Volume: 8
Issue: 4
- Pie Charts and Multiple Screen Dumps
- TS2068 ROM Disassembly
- ANLQ With Ye Olde Fastext 80
- Letter from Steve Gunhouse: Tasword -> MScript
- From the QL Library: Random Blocks
- QL News: Chaos Buster
- The QL Library continues to grow
- The C Page
- Improving the TS1000
- Pixel Print Plus
- Correction to Pixel Print PlusFix a coding error.
- Correction: Other Uses for Larken RAMDisk
- File Header Reader Larken TS2068
- Word-Master: A ReviewReview of a wordprocess/desktop publishing program for the Spectrum.
- Letter from Steve Gunhouse on DEF FN and FN
- Some Popular Misconceptions (Mostly about filenames)
- QL Try-It
- Bob's Notebook: Bank BalancesProgram to track bank balances.
- Editorial