Date: November/December 1991
Volume: 9
Issue: 6
New StuffNew products. Kopak keyboard is metnioned.
The New Spring ComputersTimex Sinclair 2000.
New Stuff: Timex gamesMazogs, Quest for the Holy Grail, The Elusive Mr. Big, Superchess, Nightgunner.
Letter: Adventuring on a BudgetPraise for series on adventure games from someone who can only afford a ZX-81
Book KnookBrain Games was published by Softsync.
Games for your Atari/VIC-20/Timex-Sinclair 1000/2000TS 1000 Trade paperbacks featuring twenty-odd listings of arcade-style games, brain teasers and word games, plus hints for writing programs and extending listings.
- Letter from Steve GunhouseTS 2068
- A Tape/Disk Save SubroutineTS 2068
- QL "Quicky" DirQL
- Code Transfer: ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program
- Error Correction: Omnibus Disk L-02
- The Montreal Renegade
- Discan: A Larken Utility for the TS2068TS 2068
- Update to the UpdateQL
- Gold Card UpdateQL
- One-Sided Disks Do Not Exist, Part Two
- SuperBasic Tutorial: Part 3 (or maybe 4)QL
- ZX Resources: Transferring Between ComputersTS 1000 TS 2068 Hardware project
- QLIPS: More on the GoldQL
- Printer Interfaces and Driver SoftwareTS 2068
- Bob's Notebook: What do you use your computer for, eh?
- Editorial