Volume: 1
Issue: 2
From the PresidentBrief intro about how the club started.
Hardware Review: MultiForth EPROM ChipTS 1000 Hardware review Review of Tree Systems’ Forth EPROM, comparing it to IPS Forth.
Mastering Your Timex Sinclair 1000 Personal ComputerTS 1000 Book review Review of Tim Hartnell’s book.
A Short Program in Forth (ZX Forth)TS 1000 Type-in program Demonstrates simple graphic and printing routines in ZX-Forth.
BUG-BYTE ZXTK Application NotesTS 1000 Quick start notes for new users of ZXTK.
Tape Head AlignmentHardware project How to adjust the tape head azimuth to ensure consistent program loading.
Understanding and Using PEEK and POKETS 1000 Type-in program How to use PEEK an POKE to examine and alter memory contents. Includes routines to invert characters on the screen and scrolling the screen up or down.
Expanding RAMTS 1000 Hardware project Replace the 1K RAM in the ZX81 with a 2K static RAM chip.