Date: January/February 1987
Volume: 5
Issue: 1
- SincbitsMentions SPECDRUM and other music software/hardware for use with the ZX Spectrum. Improvements on SAFE DOS from John Oliger; SPDOS. $99 QL kit.
- ZX ProgrammingReprint of article from ZX Computing Monthly. Article includes several utilities for loading machine code into REM statements.
- How to Disable the "MERGE" FunctionPresents a method of preventing others from “merging” your program by saving as CODE.
- QL CornerReview of QL-related news over the year.
- Zenith MonitorQL user recommends Zenith monitor and COPAL WriteHand model 1200 printer.
- QL NotesReader recommends QUANTA; expansion products from Sharp’s.
- Digital Imagitizing, Part 1Have you ever wanted to have some REAL pictures for your 2068? 1 don’t mean your usual pictures from your typical drawing programs but real pictures, such as your face, for example. This tutorial will show you how to hook up a video camera to your 2068 with a fairly simple hardware attachment. I chose…
- Disk DroppingsNotes on using Tasword II
- Bob's Notebook: TIMACHINENotes on using TIMACHINE, how it differs from Sinclair BASIC.
- 2068 VideoUsing a VCR to improve composite video signal quality.
- Art StudioReview of the drawing/graphics package for the ZX Spectrum from Rainbird Software.
- Answers AnswersAnswers to questions posed in earlier issues.
- Spectrumizing the TS 2068Describes ROMswitch available from Daniel Roman.
- 2068 Colour AdjustmentsShort program to print color bars and instructions for adjusting the color output.