Sinc-Link v6 n3

Date: May/June 1988
Volume: 6
Issue: 3


  • A 2068 Disk Interface Standard
    Recommends TS 2068 users consider the Larken Extended Basic cartridge to make non-Larken systems compatible with the Larken as a standard.
  • QL Wayfarer
    Update on QL scene; video recordings of seven seminars from the Seattle Mini Fair available from Rod Gowan.
  • Re-inking Printer Ribbons
    Brief overview of extending the life of printer ribbons by re-inking.
  • Sincbits
    John Oliger has completed latest upgrade for the JLO SAFE DOS. Some details about forthcoming SAM COUPE computer. QL software, hardware updates.
  • Cartooning with the 2068
    Author discusses using ARTWORX and other programs for animation and cartoons.
  • Bob's Notebook
    Patches to Tasword Two. Includes re-activating the 2040 printer, a word count feature and an option for saving for autostart with a Larken disk system.
  • Larken Repair Program
    Suggestions for improving a disk repair program printed in an earlier issue.
  • Larken Disk Copy Utility
    Program to copy a disk on a Larken system with either one or two disk drives.
  • Disk Droppings
    Describes the Larken Electronics RAMdisk for the TS 2068.
  • PC-Draw Review
    Review of program for drawing printed circuit boards.
  • 2068 Tips
    Tips for streamlining or improving use of INPUT and INKEY$ in BASIC programs.
  • New Locations for M/C Routines in a 64K RAMpack
    Small hardware modification to allow machine code programs to run in the 32-48K RAM space.
  • ZX81 Larken I/F Cased
    Diagram for building a case to enclose the Larken ZX81 disk interface.
  • ZX81 EPROM Board
    Board layout, parts list and program listings. Continued from Sinc-Link v6 n1.
  • Questions and Answers
    Answers about how RAMTOP works on the ZX81/TS 1000 and noise on tape recordings.
  • The Last Page
    Fractal images plotted on the TS 2068 and printed on the VIC-1520 plotter with John McMichael’s interface.
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