Volume: 7
Issue: 1
- Club Notes
- Exploring the Timex/Sinclair 1000's Sinclair Logic Chip
- News, New, Views and Review
- ZX81/TS1000 Tips
- Paul's Page on Pascal
- ZX81/TS1000 TipsMachine code routine that uses a floating point number as an address.
- Meet News, club notesDiscusses attempt to duplicate Bill Jones’ Max-Dos.
- News, New, Views and ReviewsUpdates on vendors. August TS User Mini Fair cost the Clackamus County Area TSUG $500 more than they made.
- Exploring the Timex/Sinclair 1000's Sinclair Logic Chip (SCL)Attempts to reverse engineer the ULA via disassembly of ROM.
- Paul's Page on PascalLong, winding discourse about taking a Pascal course at a local college.
- Club notes, policyNew members welcomed; disk exchange.