Volume: 7
Issue: 4
- Capital Fest Report
- A New 2068 Bug?TS 2068 Reference
- News, New, Views and ReviewsTS 2068 QL
- Sincus Club News
Club Notes, policyWelcome to new members; operating costs for a user group; call for articles.
CapitalFest ReportReport on the 1989 event.
News, New, Views and ReviewsTS 2068 Announcements about newsletters, MAXCOM from Larken.
A New 2068 Bug?TS 2068 Potential bug related to line length while entering data.
Sincus Club NewsNotes from the March, April and May 1989 meetings.
Ray Byler's 2068 ROMTS 2068 Reference Brief description of Ray Byler’s ROM dump/comparison. The original work was done by Ray Byler on his Kaypro computer using dBase to list the ROM entry points. Then he used dBase to produce four sorted files. Each file was split in two for even and odd numbered pages using Wordstar. The files were then transmitted…